On March 1st 1902 John Wilson aged 78 years died. He was buried in the new All Saints’ Churchyard extension Landbeach Road – Milton Cemetery.
In 2021 we set out to produce a plan of this cemetery.
We began by identifying all those graves or remains of graves that had legible names and inscriptions and plotted them on to the plan.
Our next step was to trawl through the Parish Records to identify those grave spaces that have no headstone or any commemorative plaque/marker.
Before the 1960’s the burials were clearly marked in the Church Records eg 4/23 and we were able to put them in the correct place but from the 1960’s there are burials in these records without any indication where the graves are situated in the cemetery.
We have had to estimate where these unmarked graves are using the dates of the burials.
There will be errors therefore and if anyone knows of an incorrect location of a grave please inform the clerk to Milton Parish
Council at
We have also taken photographs of every grave or head/kerbstone – see PHOTOS.
David Taylor and Jim Daniels
December 2021

Winning Art to Brighten Bus Shelters in Milton

Photograph: Winners - David May, Chris Thomas, Alison Hullyer with Milton Parish Council Chairman, Hazel Smith and Paul Ellwood, Parish Councillor and Lead Member for the Bus Stop Art Project

A competition ran for several weeks in Milton to find 3 suitable pieces of artwork to install in 3 bus shelters in the village. It ended on Monday 24th January with final judging, following a public vote. The Parish Council who launched the competition in November 2021 held a public exhibition in January where members of the public were able to vote. All the pictures were displayed in large format and visitors were able to vote for up to 3 of the entries. The exhibition received many visitors of all ages who were able to make their choices during the event which was open for 4 hours. There was also the opportunity to vote online.

Parish Council Chairman Hazel Smith said, ‘We had 22 entries to the competition and the standard was very high. It has been good to see the village coming together on this project and producing some impressive artwork. The entries from the children were lovely. We are using money given to us for public art to fund this project and to help us brighten up the village.’

Parish Councillor and lead member on the Bus Stop Art Project, Paul Ellwood said ‘It’s been fantastic. We had a good number of entries and people were able to choose from a range of vastly different art and photography. It will be great when the winning art is finally displayed in our bus shelters in the next few weeks once they are refurbished. I’d like to thank everyone involved for their enthusiasm and for entering the competition.’

Milton Parish Council Facebook Page

Milton Parish Council are pleased to announce the launch of our Facebook page. Here you will find all the latest stories and information about your village which may have been missed on other pages. We will bring you news from MPC meetings, decisions as to what is happening in the village and keep you up to date on any new developments. To be kept up to date with what is happening in the village please follow the page. 

New play equipment on Sycamores Recreation Ground

Milton Parish Council and Milton Community Centre have been working together to upgrade and refurbish the Sycamores play area. At last, we are pleased to announce that it is open for use. Since the grass around the roundabout still needs to grow a little more this piece will remain shut but will also be open just as soon as the grass grows. Amongst the new equipment is a new wide slide on the bank and refurbishment of some of the older equipment has also been carried out.
The whole project has taken rather longer than anticipated mainly because of supply issues and Covid restrictions. Also midway through the project it was felt the surface needed additional refurbishment and so extra work was required to lay protective grass mats and of course it had to be re-seeded as well.
The cost for this project was shared equally by Milton Parish Council and Milton Community Centre. This sort of thing does not come cheap these days with just over £30,000 being spent on the project. However, we hope that it will give enjoyment to the children of Milton for many years to come.
If you have any comments on this story or anything else please contact the Milton Parish Council office by email or phone.
Tel: 01223 861447
May be an image of outdoors

Old Paddock Tree Planting



Thank you to all the volunteers  who braved the elements to help out with our first batch of native tree planting in the old paddock, doing a great job in planting 213 trees in total.

The Parish Council is endeavouring to identify locations suitable for the planting of additional trees, hoping to run more events in the future.

Should you have any suggestions as to locations please let the Parish Clerk know.


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