Milton Allotments
Milton Parish Council provides allotments on approximately six acres of land off Ely Road, just north of the College of West Anglia.
A standard size plot is 300 square yards. Most plots are 30 yards x 10 yards. These can also be divided into smaller plots.
The cost of a plot is £30 per year (half a plot £20.00). Allotments are available for Milton residents only.
For more details contact the Clerk’s Office (Tel 01223 861447) or e-mail: A copy of the tenancy agreement for an allotment is shown here.
Milton Allotment is pioneering a new international scheme called Foodshare. Read all about it here (Adobe/PDF, 337KB).
Did you know that the allotments in Milton (down by the golf course) provide food for the hospice? To get the food from the allotment to the hospice, we have a loyal group of volunteers who are allocated a day or two and on those days check the ‘Foodshare’ bin on the allotment site and take it (hopefully there’s produce in there!), directly to the hospice and leave it in the blue box outside the kitchen. However, one of the volunteers has moved and Mark (who initiateed foodshare) is moving away for a year and we are therefore in need of extra helpers. Currently we need to cover Mondays. You only need to pick a day (call in on your way home from work, or you may have an plot there yourself) and you visit it once a week, is all that is required. It would also be useful if I could have a couple of people who could be called on to cover holidays. If you can help, please email