
Go directly to 2024 Agenda items

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The full Council usually meet on the first Monday of every month unless that is a public holiday when the meeting moves to the following week.  The July meeting is held later in the month with no meeting scheduled for August unless urgent matters arise. Meetings are usually held at the Bowls Pavilion. The Planning Committee meet on the third Monday of every month if there is any planning business to consider. Other committees meet throughout the year as necessary. Notice of all meetings is given on the Agenda page for the current year at the link below, and on the Parish Noticeboards which are located at the Parish Council Office at the address below and behind the war memorial on the corner of Coles Road and Fen Road.

All meetings are open to the general public. You have no right to speak, but the chair may, at their discretion, let you address the Council if the matter being discussed is of particular interest to you.

Members of the Public and the Press are cordially invited to attend. For details of how to join the online meetings please contact the Clerk by noon in advance of the meeting and indicate any agenda item(s) on which you would like to speak.

There is a leaflet about attending and speaking at Parish Council meetings available online and in pdf format

You can find the agendas of meetings and some supporting document below. These are normally in PDF format so you will need the right software to read them. Most browsers now support reading of PDF documents though many people use Adobe Acrobat Reader which you can download for free from this web page.

Agendas 2024
Agendas 2023
Agendas 2022
Agendas 2021
Agendas 2020
Agendas 2019
Agendas 2018
Agendas 2017
Agendas 2016

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