Milton Conservation Area

Milton Conservation Area

What is a Conservation Area

A Conservation Area is an area of land within a community designated by the district council under the Town and Country Planning Act 1971.

The designation of a Conservation Area is recognition of the architectural quality and historic interest of the area. The reasons for the designation of a Conservation Area include the quality of the buildings, the spaces in between them. the landscape, trees, and street furniture. All of these factors can affect and combine to form the character of the area.

Designation of a Conservation Area has principle two affects:

  1. Planning applications within the Area have to be sympathetic to the character of the area
  2. All trees within the Area are automatically covered by a blanket Tree Preservation Order

Where is the Conservation Area

The Conservation Area is in two parts, plus a number of isolated houses.

The main part lies in the old part of the village. Here’s a copy of the map issued by the district council.

map of main part

That’s hard to read so here’s the area where the houses are at a larger scale.

close up

If you’re still in any doubt here’s the area described in terms of the land and house affected, going clockwise from the north east:

  • Milton Hall grounds, excluding the Eastern Electric grounds
  • The hospice, parish church, rectory and the house next to it
  • Numbers 1, 1A and 2 Church Lane
  • The Jolly Brewers
  • 7-19 Fen Road
  • The verge of Coles Road alongside 12 Fen Road opposite Memorial Green
  • Memorial Green
  • The houses between Coles Road and Fen Road on both sides
  • Carequest and the houses immediately next to them on High Street
  • Pond Green
  • 37 High Street and the Waggon & Horses
  • Houses in High Street on both sides up to Cherry Close
  • Milton Hall North Lodge

In addition some isolated houses are included: 23, 26, 28 and 30 Fen Road and 17 Knights Way.

A second area at Baits Bite Lock consists of the the lock keepers cottages and the fields surrounding them and is bounded by the Thirteenth Public Drain, the Award Drain, Fen Road and the centre line of the river. Here’s the map for that area, which is very hard to read unfortunately.

river part

This second area was extended in 2006 to cover land on the opposite bank of the Cam including the houses and other buildings on the opposite bank and Biggin Abbey and the land between it and the river as far south as the A14.

If you’re still uncertain whether or not the land you’re interested in is in the conservation area then the Clerk has the originals of these maps and will be able to help you.

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