Milton Parish Council seeks to obtain real data for traffic movements in Milton

Since September 2024, Milton Parish Council has been undertaking a continuous traffic survey along the High Street close to the shops to understand better the number of users there are on the exisiting road and pathways.

The data below was taken over a typical week from 14th October to 20th October. From a total of 40,586 movements during this period the split shows 80.86% were motorised vehicles, 11.69% were pedestrians and 7.44% cyclists.

These figures will be used by MPC when discussing with other groups, their plans to change or alter routes through Milton. The next set of data to be produced in the coming weeks will be along Landbeach Road.

Greenway update

In November 2023, Milton Parish Council held a public meeting to inform residents what the Greater Cambridge Partnership plans for the Waterbeach Greenway meant for the roads, cycleways, and footpaths through Milton. Throughout the process, Milton Parish Council has been closely following the plans of the GCP and trying to represent the views of the residents wherever possible.

The GCP held a consultation event in Milton and asked people to complete a consultation questionnaire which closed in December 2023. MPC encouraged people in the village to complete the questionnaire, if they could, since the outcome would have a significant effect within the village. After a delay, GCP have now released the outcome of the consultation, and which can be seen on their website. However, as a summary, these are the key points of interest to residents of Milton.

The overall response to the consultation showed 187 respondents were against the scheme and 173 respondents in favour of the scheme. More generally, respondents were unsupportive of the proposal to use a shared use by-directional path for pedestrians and cyclists throughout the village.

Specifically, for the section between Coles Road and Fen Road there was a request from a local group who wanted the scheme to be more ambitious by restricting motorised traffic through the High Street. This is something previously rejected by Milton Parish Council and many residents in the village, and which will continue to be resisted.

There was also objection to the removal of on-street parking outside the shops. This is a concern to many since lack of parking would affect the viability of the businesses and the continued convenience of having High Street shopping.

Concern was also raised about having a shared used path and space for equestrian users, cyclists, and pedestrians along this very narrow corridor through Milton and hence needs reconsideration.

The alternative routing through Coles Road was not well supported since it was felt the route would not be used, as it was a deviation from the more direct High Street route.

The GCP have concluded that since there were mixed levels of support for some sections of the Greenway proposals, it is necessary to revisit the design for some areas. It has therefore been suggested that alternative designs, including, the shared use path proposals and removal of on-street parking through the High Street section, are examined again. A key challenge that needs to be resolved is highway land constraints in the village, which prevents full segregation for walking and cycling and that an on-carriageway solution for cyclists through Milton may need to be explored. Furthermore, work to determine how to reduce motorised traffic levels and speed needs to be considered.

Milton Parish Council is collaborating with local councillors and other groups to develop some alternative ideas which at the appropriate time will be shared with the village and the GCP.

Update on the A10/Humphries Way junction

Milton Parish Council and Councillor Anna Bradnam have been pushing hard to get the much-needed improvement to the A10/Humphries Way junction underway as soon as possible.

The County Council response is as follows:

“The planning obligation is for Urban and Civic to construct the scheme to signalise this junction once three hundred dwellings at Waterbeach New Town are inhabited. Cambridge County Council have no programmed works at the junction as the delivery obligation already secured is for the developer of the Waterbeach expansion to deliver these works.”

It was explained by officers and by U&C at the Waterbeach Community Forum on 23rd October, the contribution identified in the S106 Agreement is insufficient to secure delivery of this major junction. The County Council officer reported that they have no justification for finding the additional funding at present because it is for the developer to deliver these works. Unless alternative funding can be secured this junction will be delivered at the 300th occupation trigger. Currently there is thought to be approximately eighty occupants.

In view of the dangers around this junction and the numerous accidents, Councillor Anna Bradnam is proactively seeking additional supportive funding through Greater Cambridge Partnership and the County Council. Meanwhile, Milton Parish Council will continue to do everything in its power by continuing to lobby all groups and organisations involved to reach a solution. Cambridgeshire County Council have allowed us to share the proposed layout for the improvement of the junction. Obviously, changes can still be made to the scheme, so this is not a definitive version, but it gives people an idea of what to expect.

Junction layout

Cambridgeshire County Highways Street Works (September)

Proposed Closures (see maps  at link below for diversions):

High Street (outside One Stop/Edmund House)  29 July – 9 August 2024 (Diversions will be put in place)

Church Lane closed at numbers 1, 1A between 24 September to 30 September 2024 – 0800-1800hrs

Fen Road closed at numbers 42-44 between 24 September to 30 September 2024 – 0800-1800hrs

Landbeach Road to Ely Road (High Street in front of the College of West Anglia) closed between 24 September to 26 September 2024 – 0800-1800hrs

This is to lay the cables for City Fibre. People who have overhead phone wires will get fibre in the same way, so these are in areas where the wires are underground. The contractors will help anyone who needs access to get through whilst the roads are closed.

Proposed Road Works Sept 2024

The Rowans Play Area update

You may have seen that The Rowans Play Area is close to completion with the surface having been installed last week.

Unfortunately there is evidence that some people are visiting the unfinished park as damage has been done to the new climbing net. We would like to point out that this is still a building site and as such prohibits unauthorised entry as clearly shown on the warning signs attached to the security fencing. We would appreciate it if people stay away from park until it is opened.

Once the net has been repaired by the manufacturer we can schedule the required safety check of the area. Just as soon as we are allowed and the equipment is fit to play on, the security fencing will be removed. We hope to formally open the new play area later in July.

Update on The Rowans Play Area

The work to revamp the play area is due to start on Tuesday 7th May 2024 at 7am.

Please keep the road by the gate to the park clear of all vehicles until the work is fully complete which will take several days. 

When parking nearby please ensure that contractors heavy vehicles can access the site when collecting and delivering materials.

Milton village sign refurbished

The Milton Parish Council project to renovate the village sign has now been completed.

Renovated village sign and new oak post on Pond grean

The work was undertaken by Jamie and Matt of Cambridge Restoration who have replaced the main pillar and most of the timber around the sign which had all reached an advanced stage of decay.

The sign itself has also been restored where necessary. At the base there is a new shingle surround which will improve drainage around the pillar.

This work was undertaken as yet another arts based project commissioned by Milton Parish Council using developer funding and at no cost to residents.

The Rowans Play Area gets the go-ahead

Milton Parish Council are pleased to announce that after a successful consultation, where several residents and their children made comments on the proposed design for The Rowans play area refurbishment, a decision has now been reached. The inclusive EIBE design, which is aimed for the under 10’s, received the most positive comments and this has now been approved by the Parish Council.

The contract with EIBE has now been placed. Since the equipment is built to order we anticipate installation in April or May. We will keep people informed on the progress and of course will announce the opening date in due course.

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