Love Your Burial Ground

As part of ‘Love Your Burial Ground Week’, this week Milton Parish Council have installed a few bird boxes, insect hotels and hedgehog houses to encourage more wildlife into the cemetery. These were all selected from the wide range available at the Phoenix Trust here in the village. Installing these items is just part of our plan to qualify for a Churchyard Conservation Award given to burial grounds which reach either bronze, silver or gold level of conservation activity.

New signposts showing the areas we have designated for Summer and Spring flowing have also been installed. Visitors will soon be able to enjoy some additional seating and see a new Notice Board which will give information to what is happening around the cemetery.

Everyone is welcome to visit this sometimes forgotten part of Milton along Landbeach Road and see for themselves the work that the Parish Council are doing to show how we care for this area.

South Cambs Residents FAQ

Information as provided by South Cambs District Council is in the page below and also available as a downloadable pdf file –

Links to Sections:-
Bin Collections
Fallen Trees or Branches
Bus Services
Housing Fraud
Noise Nuisance
Planning compliance
Public Rights of Way
Street Lighting
Street Sweeping
Ukraine guests and hosts

Bin Collections

Find out which day your bin is collected, report a missed bin collection, request a new bin, find out what you can recycle and more in the District Council’s bins and recycling pages.

Branches or foliage obstructing paths or roads

You can report overhanging trees or foliage online to the County Council Highways Reporting Tool. Faults reported in this way will be assessed within 10 working days by the County Council.

Bus Services

The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority is responsible for bus services information as it is the local transport authority. Further information is also available on the real time bus information pages of the County Council website, where there is also on how to download the My Bus Trip app.


Find out who is responsible for which services by visiting the District Council’s flooding web page. The District Council does not provide a sandbag service to residents. Generally, it is the responsibility of residents to protect their own properties from flooding. The District Council does have a limited supply of sandbags that can be delivered to domestic properties that are at imminent risk of flooding only. This is aimed at the most vulnerable residents and only intended for people who have no friends, family or neighbours who can assist them fast enough or in advance. 

  • Flooding from a sewer: This is likely the responsibility of Anglian Water. You can report an issue to them online or call them on 0345 791 9155
  • Blocked drain on the road or pavement: This is likely the responsibility of Cambridgeshire County Council. You can report an issue to them online
  • Flooded property or garden: You can report external flooding to gardens or paths, or report that you have already experienced flooding within the living space of your home, to Cambridgeshire County Council. It may be possible to investigate the cause of flooding or offer advice. However, remember that it is the home-owner’s responsibility to protect their own properties from flooding
  • Flooding at a South Cambridgeshire District Council property: The District Council’s Housing Services team will fix any serious drainage problem. Call our free repairs hotline on 0800 085 1313 to report an emergency repair.

Housing Fraud

Housing fraud occurs when a person applies for a Council house and submits an application with false or misleading information. This would be to gain a tenancy they wouldn’t have otherwise been given or to gain the tenancy ahead of those in more urgent need. Housing fraud exists in a number of ways and can be a crime. If you have information then complete the online form, email the District Council on or call 01954 713 000.


Litter and dog waste bins are emptied according to the street care team schedule for each area in the district. Please contact the District Council if you would like to report an overflowing bin, or request a new litter or dog waste bin, on or call 01954 713 000.

Follow the link to report environmental crimes such as fly tipping, dumped cars, dog fouling, graffiti or other littering crimes to the District Council.

If you, your parish council, school or local community group would like to organise a voluntary litter-picking event in your area, the District Council can support you by lending litter grabbers and gloves (and so can some parish councils).

Noise Nuisance

Section 79(1) of the Environmental Protection Act requires the local authority to take such steps as are reasonably practicable to investigate complaints that relate to:

  • Noise from premises (both domestic and commercial)
  • Noise from vehicles or equipment in a street (for example, car alarms but not traffic noise)
  • Noise from amplified music in the street (for example, car stereos)
  • Noise from machinery or equipment in the street
  • Noise from bird scarers (if only advice is required then refer to the National Farmers Union Code of Practice [PDF])

You can report noise nuisance to the District Council.

Planning compliance

Our planning service is managed by the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning team. This is a shared service for us and Cambridge City Council. Our planning website content is primarily hosted on the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning website. There, you can find information on looking up and commenting on planning applications, planning guidance and how to deal with breaches of planning control.


You can report highways faults in Cambridgeshire including potholes, by using the online County Council Highways Reporting Tool. Faults reported in this way will be assessed by the County Council within 10 working days.

Public Rights of Way

The County Council is responsible for public rights of way, village greens and commons or open access land. Find out more by looking at the County Council’s Definitive Map and Statement and Protecting and providing green spaces guidance.


To find out about reduction measures like speed humps visit the speed reduction schemes webpage of Cambridgeshire County Council. Community Speedwatch is a scheme set up for the public to let Police know about locations where they’re concerned about speeding. Cambridgeshire Police will assess the location to see if it’s a good and safe place for monitoring to happen. If so, trained members of the community will visit the location to record the details of offending vehicles. If you’d like to join a Community Speed Watch group near you, or want to know more, email or read the Police volunteer guidance and registration form.

Street Lighting

Cambridgeshire County Council, as the Highway Authority, is responsible for most streetlights, including illuminated signs and bollards.  

As a permitted lighting authority, the District Council has responsibility for a small number of lights (around 1,800), generally in residential areas in 84 villages within South Cambridgeshire. These streetlights are maintained in partnership with Parish Councils, where we have responsibility for maintaining the lights, whilst Parish Councils pay for electricity. In some instances, Parish Councils will also have their own streetlights.

All South Cambridgeshire District Council owned streetlights can be found on the map in the link and begin with the prefix ‘SC’. For streetlights belonging to the district council, urgent faults that pose an immediate risk of injury can be reported on:
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm: 01954 713000
Out of office hours (after 5pm) and weekends: 01354 654321

Where a streetlight does not begin with this ‘SC’ prefix please make a note of it and report it to Cambridgeshire County Council.

Street Sweeping

If you think that your village needs attention or want to check when the street sweepers will be in your area, then contact

Ukraine guests and hosts

If you would like to find out more about becoming a host under the Homes for Ukraine scheme, how to support guests or how to link up with groups where guests can socialise then visit our support for Ukraine webpage.

Village Litter Pick

Sunday 19 February 2023, 2pm

Meet at the Parish Office, Coles Road

Please come and help

Gloves for adults and litter picking sticks are provided.

Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Please bring gloves for children.

Wear stout shoes or wellingtons and
appropriate clothing for the weather.

South Cambs Community Safety Partnership Survey 2020

South Cambridgeshire Community Safety Partnership (CSP) is made up of representatives from South Cambs District Council,  Cambridgeshire County Council, Police, Fire and Rescue Service and the NHS and Probation Service, who work together to deal with local crime and anti-social behaviour issues. This survey aims to collate information from the public on perceptions of safety within their communities. This survey is extremely important in the current climate where the Covid-19 pandemic prevents face to face community engagement. The results of this survey will directly affect the way in which community safety in certain geographical locations is prioritised among the statutory bodies within the South Cambridgeshire Community Safety Partnership.

Survey link:

Play Area Update

The play areas at The Rowans, Froment Way, Humphries Way, and the areas managed by the Milton Community Centre Management Committee at Coles Road and The Sycamores (including the exercise equipment) will re-open on Saturday 4th July. The swing seats at Coles Road have been removed awaiting delivery of replacement parts to meet safety requirements.

Guidance for users, carers, parents and guardians is given on notices posted in each area including:

  • Maintain social distancing according to the government’s latest advice.
  • If the play area or exercise area is too busy then please wait or come back at another time.
  • Sanitise your hands before, during, and after using the play area especially after touching the equipment and access gates. Please wipe down exercise equipment after use.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly when you get home.
  • No food or drink should be taken into the play areas.
  • Please put litter in the bins provided.

Milton Parish Council support for the Country Park

Milton Parish Council has recognised the huge value of Milton Country Park to the village and awarded an extraordinary grant of £10,000 to help the Park stay open in these tough times.

280 people have also donated over £9,000 on the Milton Country Park Crowdfunder page to help the Park stay open, and there are some really warm and grateful comments left by donors on that website, well worth a read. The Park is helping a lot of people to relax and unwind during this lockdown. Last week South Cambs District Council also gave a grant.

The Park gets no regular funding from the councils and having closed for safety on Mothers Day, for the last couple of months it has had no income. In normal times they collect car parking fees and some income from the cafe in the park. Grounds Cafe is now open for takeaways and ice-creams, and with the car park open things are starting to return to normal. However, the extensive range of water-sports, Parkrun, cycling, outdoor children’s parties, the Wild Place, and other group events cannot yet get going. And there will be no large mass gatherings for theatre events, outdoor cinema, concerts or the Autumn festival which are their main fundraising events.

Milton Parish Council received an unexpected cash payment last year when a historic anomaly was sorted out. The Parish Chairman Don Wildman said, “We don’t normally support charities but we are pleased to be able to help Milton Country Park through this situation at no cost to our taxpayers by using some of this money.” District Cllr Hazel Smith said, “We really appreciate the Park just now: Milton Country Park is one of the best things about living in Milton.”

New Parish Council survey

** This survey is closed. The results are being analysed for review by the Parish Council **

Parking is an ongoing challenge around the Village. Many people have raised concerns about the junctions of The Rowans with Cambridge Road, and Fen Road directly opposite the junction with Coles Road. Double yellow lines have been suggested to visually reinforce the existing Highway Code restrictions.

Please provide your feedback through the questionnaire at this survey link

The survey is also available in paper form in the March edition of Milton Village View.  As the delivery of the View had to be delayed, the closing date for survey responses has been set to 8th May 2020. 

Many thanks for your time in completing the survey, your feedback is important in helping us assess the proposals.

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