Milton roundabout maintenance

We have been asked to share the following information provided by Cambridgeshire Highways –

“This is a general notification that we are due to start a number of large-scale maintenance schemes. This will involve the carriageway resurfacing of large sections of highway in various parishes. These works will be done under a road closure with diversion routes in place. The roads will be closed to all traffic, with the exception of access to residents and businesses within the closure itself.

The current programme of works is as follows:

  • Fenland Way – Chatteris: From 07/08/23 to 08/09/23 (Night works between 21:00 – 06:00)
  • New Road – Warboys: From 11/09/23 to 20/10/23 (Night works between 21:00 – 06:00)
  • Milton Interchange – Milton: From 23/10/23 to 07/12/23 (Night works between 21:00 – 06:00)
  • Bates Drove – Littleport: From 04/03/24 to 26/04/23 (Day works between 08:00 and 17:00). Unlike the previous 3 schemes; this closure will be 24/7 and not just within the working hours.

Please note that both the works programme and diversion routes may change, but we [Cambridgeshire Highways] will contact you again closer to the start dates to provide an accurate update.

Letter drops will go out to nearby properties 1 month in advance of the works.”

Road closure and diversion plans for Milton Interchange work

Scheme overview

Phase A

Phase B

Phase C

‘Love Your Burial Ground Week’

This week is ‘Love Your Burial Ground Week’. During the week, those who visit the Milton cemetery on Landbeach Road will see the start of several improvements and additions we are making.

To show our commitment to protecting the environment it is our intention to apply for a Cambridgeshire Churchyard Conservation Award. This means us maintaining parts of the Cemetery to encourage plants and habitats to flourish. This week you will see bird boxes, insect hotels and hedgehog houses being installed around the Cemetery. This is in addition to the areas we currently maintain for Summer and Spring flowering which will be marked with information signs.

Additional benches are being installed this month including a specially commissioned ‘arts’ bench. This will be placed in an area of the Cemetery where visitors will be able to have a quiet moment for reflection. A Cemetery notice board is also being installed soon where you will be able to learn what is happening in the Cemetery and how our conservation efforts are developing.

As you can see, we are undertaking a range of improvements during ‘Love Your Burial Ground Week’ with the aim to make the Cemetery a nicer place to visit and acting responsibly by working to conserve the area for wildlife.”

Repairs to the A14/A10 roundabout

As reported at the recent Milton Annual Parish Meeting, the condition of roads has deteriorated significantly during the very dry and very cold weather experienced during 2022. Cambridgeshire, along with other County Councils is seeking support from central government towards the repairs, the cost of which is far beyond many council budgets.

Repairs to the A10/A14 roundabout have been programmed for October-December 2023.

The works will be done overnight and in three phases: south half, north half and the A10 as far as the P&R site.

Of course, we are pleased to see that some temporary repairs have been made but we will continue to lobby for the work to be done earlier.

New Bus Shelter artwork unveiled.

Picture of the artwork and artists

Many of you will now have seen the colourful artwork which was the result of the Children’s Art Competition for the bus shelter at the junction of Humphries Way and Landbeach Road.

The competition was for entries on the theme of ‘a Queens Jubilee memory’. There were three winners who were all from the village who are, Matilda Booth, Eva May-Beck and Oliva Cutts. Congratulations to the winners who each received a prize.

This artwork is funded from the Arts Grant arising from the new housing developments in Milton. Residents will be pleased to hear that no Council Tax funds were used to finance this project.

Parish Council Pump Restoration Art project

Statue of a woamn and child in front of the village pumo

After many years of standing hidden in the shrubbery, the last remaining village pump now sits proudly restored in Cambridge Road, Milton, complete with an information board and sculpture.

The forgotten and neglected pump was clearly deteriorating having lost its cap and with a  split in the main pipe. The work to rescue and restore the 1930’s water pump has been done by Mike Overall of Cottenham complete with a newly fabricated temporary cap whilst we continue our search for a suitable metal cast cap which will fit our pump and is close to its original design. Although the pump will no longer pump any water, the handle can still be operated by those who wish to experience what it would have been like to collect water by this method every day.

At the rear of the site is a large photograph of that section of Cambridge Road in the 1930’s with a brief history of the pump. This photo board was created by Milton Parish Council with the assistance of Milton resident Chris Thomas.

At the front of the site is a metal sculpture by artist Vanessa Morris of Morris Cast Signs Ltd, of a mother and child collecting water and depicts a typical scene from the era.

Parish Chairman, Hazel Smith said, “There are very few people alive now who remember drawing water from a pump, yet it was not really so very long ago. Those houses are still there and we hope the pump with its explanation board and the sculpture will be attractive and interesting to families for years to come”.

Paul Ellwood, lead member on the project said “The team involved in restoring a part of Milton’s heritage are very pleased with the outcome showing an important part of village life in the 1930s”.

This is another arts project undertaken by Milton Parish Council financed completely from an Arts based fund granted to the Council from a developer as part of their planning obligation. Residents will also be pleased to hear than no precept funds from the council tax were used for this project or any of the other arts projects being undertaken by MPC.

Landbeach Road Bus Stop Art

Photo of the art on the busstop at Landbeach Road

Another Parish Council Project Completed

Bright shiny new windows showing art from the Children’s Art Competition are now installed in the bus shelter in Landbeach Road at the junction of Humphries Way.

The competition was for entries on the theme of ‘a Queens Jubilee memory’.

Congratulations to the winners.

This artwork is funded from the Arts Grant arising from the new housing developments in Milton. No Council Tax funds were used to finance this project.

We need your help – tree planting

picture of a hand holding a sapling

Milton Parish Council have over 100 trees that need to be planted in The Paddock (opposite Footgolf, next to the allotments) to create a wood for the village.

We need volunteers on Saturday morning to help us plant these trees. If you can just spare an hour it would be a great help. If you think you can join us please contact the Clerk in the Parish Council office or simply turn up at 10.30am this Saturday 25th March. Make sure you have the right footwear and please bring your own spade.

North East Cambridge Forum

South Cambs District Council have asked us to share the following information

The next North East Cambridge Community Forum is taking place virtually on 22 March, from 6pm. The forums help those building the development, and those most affected by development, to have an open dialogue. Everyone is welcome to join this online event to hear about plans for the #NEC area and discuss these with planners and developers.


Poster for North East Cambridge Forum

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