Stagecoach Service changes from 20th June

We have been asked to share the following message from Stagecoach which includes reinstatement of the Milton Park and Ride service-

“Please find attached a route-by-route overview of service changes being introduced on our Cambridgeshire network from Sunday 20th June 2021. A full set of timetables can also be found on our website here:

Link to Service Change Overview attachment

CWWTPR – Drone Use for Topographical Survey

The following notification has been received from the Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation Project Team.

“We are writing to inform you of some survey work that will be taking place over the weekend at some proposed construction areas for the Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant Relocation project.

The survey works will involve the flying of drones, so that we can get better ground level detail to feed into our designs for the plant. The work will help us produce an accurate digital terrain map and digital surface map.

We can confirm that the accredited drone pilots are working with operational authorisation granted by the UK Civil Aviation Authority. There will also be several surveyors walking around the area to establish ground control who will be carrying theodolites and/or prisms. All data gathered is fully compliant with GDPR regulations.”

HRH The Prince Philip

Buckingham Palace has announced the death of HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

The Parish of Milton expresses deepest condolences to Her Majesty the Queen, the Royal Family and the extended members of the Royal Household.

The Prince and Queen Elizabeth have been married for 73 years and between them have seen 14 Prime Ministers in office during the Queen’s time as Monarch.

On the Royal Family website, members of the public are asked to consider making a donation to a charity instead of leaving floral and other tributes in public spaces. An online book of condolence is also available for the public to post their personal tributes.

Process for volunteering at the Milton Vaccination Centre

[Posting on behalf of Linda Henderson – Volunteer Co-ordinator]

If you would like to be part of the volunteer team supporting the roll out of the Covid19 Vaccinations at the Milton Vaccination Centre in Milton Community Centre, CB24 6BL, this is what you need to do.

  1. Enter into your browser and complete the form.
  2. This will enter your details on to our secure electronic rota system.
  3. An email will be generated to you each time a new volunteer rota has been set up, not when you complete the one-off form at Milton Vaccine info.
  4. When you receive this email, you will be able to see all the sessions available and the roles needed for that session.
  5. This email is your access to the “Rotacentral” you will not need any other usernames or passwords.
  6. You are then able to click on to one of the roles for a session.
  7. You will then get an email confirming the session you have signed up for.

This is a new system so please bear with us while we all get used to the new system. Hopefully, it will make it more usable for us all.

Please email me on if you have any issues.

Kind regards

Linda Henderson

Volunteer coordinator

High Street closure Sundays 21/03/21 – 28/03/2021 – 04/04/21

We have been notified that High Street will be completely closed to traffic between Butt Lane and Edmund Close in the area of 7 High Street from 8:00 to 18:00 on each of three Sundays 21st March, 28th March, and 4th April.  Diversions will be sign-posted via the A10 as shown on the map – TTRO High Street Mar 2021 040163 

The work is to install a new gas connection.

Pedestrian access should not be affected.

Volunteers for lateral flow testing at College of West Anglia Cambridge Campus

We have been asked to share the following information:-

Schools return on 8th March with a period of 2 -3 weeks of Lateral Flow Testing in the school environment.  Some schools have asked for assistance with acquiring volunteers to support this program.

In our area College of West Anglia Cambridge Campus have asked for volunteers to help between Monday 8th  and Friday 12th March.  Volunteers will be asked to work at times between 8am and 5pm.  

Some online training will be involved depending on the relevant role.

Anyone who is interested in volunteering for the roles should register their interest using the linked form School Volunteer Form (

South Cambridgeshire Community Connector
Think Communities Team
Cambridgeshire County Council


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