Greenway update

View of Milton High Street from Cambridge Road

In November 2023, Milton Parish Council held a public meeting to inform residents what the Greater Cambridge Partnership plans for the Waterbeach Greenway meant for the roads, cycleways, and footpaths through Milton. Throughout the process, Milton Parish Council has been closely following the plans of the GCP and trying to represent the views of the residents wherever possible.

The GCP held a consultation event in Milton and asked people to complete a consultation questionnaire which closed in December 2023. MPC encouraged people in the village to complete the questionnaire, if they could, since the outcome would have a significant effect within the village. After a delay, GCP have now released the outcome of the consultation, and which can be seen on their website. However, as a summary, these are the key points of interest to residents of Milton.

The overall response to the consultation showed 187 respondents were against the scheme and 173 respondents in favour of the scheme. More generally, respondents were unsupportive of the proposal to use a shared use by-directional path for pedestrians and cyclists throughout the village.

Specifically, for the section between Coles Road and Fen Road there was a request from a local group who wanted the scheme to be more ambitious by restricting motorised traffic through the High Street. This is something previously rejected by Milton Parish Council and many residents in the village, and which will continue to be resisted.

There was also objection to the removal of on-street parking outside the shops. This is a concern to many since lack of parking would affect the viability of the businesses and the continued convenience of having High Street shopping.

Concern was also raised about having a shared used path and space for equestrian users, cyclists, and pedestrians along this very narrow corridor through Milton and hence needs reconsideration.

The alternative routing through Coles Road was not well supported since it was felt the route would not be used, as it was a deviation from the more direct High Street route.

The GCP have concluded that since there were mixed levels of support for some sections of the Greenway proposals, it is necessary to revisit the design for some areas. It has therefore been suggested that alternative designs, including, the shared use path proposals and removal of on-street parking through the High Street section, are examined again. A key challenge that needs to be resolved is highway land constraints in the village, which prevents full segregation for walking and cycling and that an on-carriageway solution for cyclists through Milton may need to be explored. Furthermore, work to determine how to reduce motorised traffic levels and speed needs to be considered.

Milton Parish Council is collaborating with local councillors and other groups to develop some alternative ideas which at the appropriate time will be shared with the village and the GCP.

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