Minutes of the Youth Committee Meeting
       held on Tuesday 27 May 2003 at 7.30pm at Milton Community Centre

Present:   HM Smith (chair)   EH Baker   RH Chapman   L Henderson   LC Twinn   
227/03 1   Election of Chairman - HMW was elected chairman.

       2   Apologies for absence    K D'Arcy

228/03 3   Minutes - the minutes of the meeting of 22 April 2003 were approved
           subject to two minor amendments.
           Rules would be need to be re-worked. 
           The table football was popular although it had not encouraged more
           youngsters to attend.

229/03 4   Summer Scheme
           A youth workers' meeting had taken place on 23 May and a report was
           circulated. As a result the committee recommended that Council allow
           KD up to £500 towards Summer sessions (but not towards trips)
           leaving £300 from the budget for other activities.  

           [As PC Shulver had to leave the meeting he explained that he would
            investigate reports of vandalism.  He had been notified of only
            three incidents recently]. 

230/03 5   Ideas to encourage broader participation
           Between 10 and 15 youngsters attended MYC regularly. There was a
           perceived difference in the aims and objectives of youth work in
           Milton between IVC and MPC Youth Committee. [IVC were targeting
           those "at risk"]. IVC should take into account Milton's views. It
           was AGREED to ask Margaret Ward to conduct an audit and advise KD
           about the best way forward.  Action:  LH and HMS
           KD hoped to start a Wednesday evening session 6.30pm to 8.30pm
           for years 7 + 8.

231/03 6   Any other business
           Newsletter - EHB was preparing a newsletter with the aim of
           increasing a positive image of the youth club - to be delivered to
           the whole village - cost about £80. It was hoped to receive
           donations towards the costs. Noted that there are about 500
           youngsters living in the village.
           Healthy Eating - it was agreed to try to sell "less sugary" food
           at the club.

The meeting ended at 9.55pm.