Minutes of the Youth Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 22nd April 2003 at 7.30pm at Milton Community Centre Present: HM Smith (chair) EH Baker L Henderson KDarcy (LC Twinn later) 1 Apologies for absence DJ Lee K Finney PC Shulver 176/03 2 Minutes - the minutes of the meeting of 27 January 2003 were approved subject to the following alteration: 62/03 Margaret 'Ward' Notice Board - LH has the (one) key. Skate Park lighting - MCC now plan to replace the lights in the Autumn. 177/03 3 Report on Youth Workers' Meeting KD reported on the meeting held last week (minutes available). Youth Workers felt some simple rules would be useful. Members sign a declaration to respect workers and the building and this should be put up on the wall. HMS agreed to produce A3 HMS poster. Anita has some rules the Club Council produced: these Anita need to be refined and agreed by members and put up on display. Summer - focus on activities for other groups, junior events, girls. Age gap problem with club so possibly separate events into age bands. Splitting club came up again: concern that there are few junior members. Youth workers to meet again to discuss. Would like more volunteers (2 outside and 2 inside is ideal). Multipurpose court - youth workers would like it fenced. Tables - higher tables and chairs would be nice for HMS activities. HMS to purchase chairs. Motorbikes and mopeds - more coming because of older members. concerns over liability for members riding without helmets. Suggested speed limit sign. Youth Council - members on other nights would like to see minutes etc so be able to feed in. Youth Workers asked what is happening about new building. HMS HMS will email a progress report. 178/03 4 Plans for next term's Youth Club sessions The rough programme suggested by KD covers citizenship, etc. We should try to get younger (Y6-7) children to come: KD to KDF contact Y6 at Milton School. A programme of structured sessions would help (see also EHB's suggestions on the Strategy paper). Consult with Club Council about having sessions aimed at Anita different age groups (Y7-9 or 10, and Y9 up) from September, as the majority of attenders are now 15-17. Club leaders should start organising more competitive sport: YW football games, unihock, basketball etc. Kate to ask leaders to try out some of the ideas to see how it YW goes down before the summer. 179/03 5 Detached Youth Work Detached youth work team intend to go on trip to Peterborough Skate Park on Thurs 24th April, and do car wash later to raise funds. They would like us to invite youth to next MYCMG. Performance on Tuesday 6th May at the Arts Theatre of drama written and performed following detached work contacts. Parish Councillors are invited. 180/03 6 Strategy & Development (EHB) Agreed to discuss the ideas of Membership cards with members next term. EHB to call on other members to help where EHB necessary and hope to incorporate the ideas for sessions with broader appeal in the forthcoming youth work, both term time and holidays. 181/03 7 IT Document from Paul KD to send EHB a copy of the IVC user agreement. EHB to draft KD user agreement for the club. EHB 182/03 8 Next Meeting propose Friday 23rd May for MYCMG meeting with a Youth Committee to follow. Proposal to July PC meeting for Summer Scheme costings. The meeting ended at 9.30pm.