Minutes of the Youth Committee Meeting
       held on Monday 27 January 2003 at 7.30pm at Milton Community Centre

Present: HM Smith (chair)   EH Baker   L Henderson   LC Twinn  
       1   Apologies for absence  DJ Lee   K Finney   PC Shulver

59/03  2   Minutes - the minutes of the meeting of 18 December 02 were
           approved and signed as a true record.

60/03      Notice Board  - £24 was spent to replace the Perspex with a stronger
(293/02)   material (polycarbonate) as the board was vandalised 48 hours after
           notices were put up. The board should now be completely vandal
           proof. HMS and KD have the key. HMS to investigate the possibility
           of displaying notices from other village groups.
           Action: HMS

61/03  3   Finances
           There could possibly be an extra youth club evening as the budget
           allows for this. Noted that Kate D'Arcy was advertising for a new
           youth worker for three evenings.  
           A meeting with the new detached youth worker to be confirmed.
           Action: KD

           Table Football LH reported on a selection of models and vendors and
           it was agreed that Robert Sayle was the committee's vendor of
           preference. Agreed to spend up to £475 inc VAT to buy a table
           football, LH to decide between models on close inspection.
           Action:  LH

(38/03)    Skate Park HMS to investigate the lights with the planners. LH to
           investigate possible use of the cherry picker from Tescos. It was
           agreed to allocate £569.70 to cover bills for the skate park in
           the hope that it could be recovered from fundraising efforts. It
           was agreed to spend up to £100 on the creation of a path between
           the skate park and the basketball court. A new coat of paint is
           being put on the half pipe for free.
62/03  4   Evaluation Youth Work
           Margaret Ward is arranging contact with KD who will inform youth
           workers as necessary. MW will go unannounced to evenings and then
           meet with the Youth Committee to report on her evaluation of the
           provision of youth services in Milton.

63/03  5   Strategy Document
           The meeting agreed with the aims of the document. A working party
           was formed.

64/03  6   Any Other Business
           An IT strategy document was discussed. It was agreed to provide a
           user agreement for the Youth Club computer. EHB to draft.
           Action:  EHB
           The meeting ended at 9.30pm.