Minutes of the Youth Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 18 December 02 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre Present: HM Smith (chair) PK Oldham L Henderson LC Twinn K D'Arcy (IVC) I Bell J Hutchinson A Macpherson A Porter S Ross J Wickens (youth workers) the clerk (item 1-4) 1 Apologies for absence DJ Lee PC Shulver 522/02 2 Minutes - the minutes of the meeting of 12 June 02 and of the meeting of MYCMG of 31 July 02 were approved and signed as a true record. (293/02) New Volunteers - Joe Wickens worked on Mondays and Sharon Tipple alternate Tuesdays. Notice Board - installed. KD will put up some notices. Graffiti Workshop to paint up the club rules - did not take place. Possibility for Summer Term (cost about £400). (332/02) (Note: minutes of 14 December 01 had now been signed) Margaret Ward, an experienced youth work tutor has offered to visit Milton clubs and give advice on any general improvements in Youth Provision in the village as a whole, next term. Cash Box - LH to buy. Skate Park - more fund raising still needed. Food Hygiene Course - CRC run a course. JH to investigate. Table Football - a table football had been purchased and returned as it was not robust enough. Cost of a strong table football would be about £350. Computer Software - KD to investigate software for filtering out undesirable internet material. 523/02 3 Budget Proposed budget for 2003/04: Maintenance of building £1,200 Summer programme £800 Youth workers £4,000 (including an extra evening per week) IVC extra sessions £1,200 IVC (admin/DofE) £500 AGREED to ask for a budget of £7,700 524/02 4 Duke of Edinburgh Scheme 25 youngsters took the bronze award last year and 6 were taking the silver during the present year. There were no new youngsters taking the bronze this year. Volunteer helpers needed. KD to consider encouraging a group to start in Milton. 18 of the 25 at IVC were continuing to take the bronze award. 525/02 5 New Youth Work Curriculum New curriculum not yet published. 526/02 6 Detached Youth Work Alan Johnson resigned mid October. The new worker, Kenny, will be starting on 10th January. KD is working with the Arts Theatre offering young people of Milton the opportunity to act and write a play about life in Milton. As part of this the youngsters have been invited to the Arts pantomime on 19 December. SCYPP - no progress to report at County level. Youth Parliament - elections are to be held in February, for 3 MPs to represent Cambridgeshire. Nominations are being received now. IVC will be one of the 6 Polling Stations in the county. Experience shows we might need some extra detached workers for a few weeks when the skate park opens (likely early in New Year). Action HS/LH. 527/02 7 Projected Developments Small, sometimes single sex groups are needed to discuss issues - quiet room needed. Agreed to produce a programme and advertise when the kitchen would be used for this. Tuck could be sold elsewhere. Local Police officer to talk about the cannabis law. Action KD A new pin board needed in the main room to stimulate discussion on particular topics related to the Curriculum. Action LH/HS Self defence classes to be arranged. Action KD/AP Youth Council 6-8 year 7 to year 10 attended regularly. At IVC, time spent participating in Youth Council is accredited through the Active Citizenship in Schools Award. Sponsored Events - Car wash again? Some girls at the club do Beauty Therapy courses at CRC, and we could have a day of hair braiding/ manicures etc to raise money. A new email circulation list for the youth workers at Milton is to be set up (youthcom[AT]miltonvillage.org.uk). Ideas for sessions next term could be worked up by email, with a meeting for 1 hour at start of term for youth workers and Kate to firm up a programme. Themes would carry on through the week over several sessions. 528/02 7 Recent bad behaviour at the club Manor YC was recently closed and many of the youngsters attended Milton YC during that time. Liaison with the city needed. Action HS Excluding members - KD asked to be involved in any such measures. Disciplinary policy was discussed. 529/02 8 Any other business When under pressure, it should be easy for youth workers to interrupt the internet connection, in order to use the phone. Linda to ask Eddie about wiring to solve this. PO advised that we should try to get an ADSL connection for the new building via BT to allow for many computers to access the internet. The meeting ended at 10.00pm, with sherry, juice and mince pies.