Minutes of the Meeting of the Youth Committee held on Friday 8 March 2002 at 8.20pm in the Youth Centre Present: HM Smith (chair), L Henderson, LC Twinn Min 134/02 1 Apologies for absence PC Shulver, Sue Lester 2 Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 10 December 01 were approved and signed as a true record. 5. SCYPP. HMS, LH and LCT had attended the seminar on 25th Feb. Yvonne Kuch had agreed to arrange some detached youth work here after Easter. Kate D'Arcy would be asking her to help next Thursday also. 3 Request for financial contribution for third youth worker on Monday evenings Agreed to meet these costs until we could find a volunteer to work on Monday evenings. Sarah Ross had agreed fill this post for the time being. 4 Pavilion extension - working party meeting date 15 March or after Easter. The following had expressed an interest at this planning stage: HMS, LH, LCT, Paul Seaman (structural engineer),Chris Palmer, Fraser Confrey, Doug Teeboon, Karen Finney, Andy Macpherson, Ray Scott, Frank Solomon, Trevor Peck, Pauline Brindle - ideas for funders: HMS has a list. Need to get information about Community Fund. - Also Connexions, which may have money for capital projects for the Youth. - detailed design: PS will draw preliminary elevations, which we can discuss with SCDC planners. Working party can discuss details also. Will then need proper detailed plans for planning permission and building tenders. - Need to find an architect for the drawings. Andrew Curley was suggested. - plan of campaign: Pump-priming money may be needed to employ an architect before we can get to the point of presenting a scheme to large-scale donors (Lottery, SCDC, etc). Request to PC to authorise us to use some of the remaining capital money in the Youth Budget for the building (£2,700) for this if necessary. 5 Skate Park Sue Lester would be at Youth Club on Monday 11th to encourage the young people to organise some fund-raising activities. Car cleaning and a sponsored event had been mentioned. To be advertised in the Village View. Grant Applications had been sent in the name of MCC to the following: Garfield Weston Foundation £5,000 Charles Hayward Foundation £5,000 Earl Fitzwilliam Charitable Trust £1,500 National Lottery Awards for All £5,000 (Golden Jubilee project) WREN £10,000 Other possible funders: Foundation for Sport and the Arts £2,000 South Cambs District Council (Jane Lampshire, Youth Sport Initiative) Will fund the 11% for WREN via a grant to PC, and we should apply for shortfall (up to 50% total). 6 AOB 1 LH, HMS and Ian Cowley had interviewed a prospective Ridley Hall Youth Work student, who may be available from September to ease our staffing problems. Another student is also interested. 2 6 members of Histon & Impington Youth Committee had met with the youth committee at 7pm. 3 Robert Harrison of the Young Carers Project at Centre33 will be hiring the Youth Centre on Saturdays from 11am-1pm fortnightly from 27th April. 4 Karen Finney has received the grant to set up the teenagers Kids R Us after school club after Easter in the Youth Centre. 5 MYCMG hope to meet on Wed 20th March. 8pm with as many youth workers present as possible to discuss recent issues at the Youth Clubs. Young people are discussing Youth Centre issues on Tuesday 12th March, and matters arising from that session would also be discussed. The meeting ended at 9.20pm.