Minutes of the Youth Committee Meeting held on Monday 24 September 01 at 8.00pm in the Community Centre Present: HM Smith (chair) JE Coston L Henderson DJ Lee LC Twinn B Jefferson the clerk 1 Apologies for absence RLE Waters PC Shulver 484/01 2 Minutes - of the meeting of 11 June 01 were approved and signed as a true record. (344/01) Carpets and blinds had been fitted. (348/01) Mini ramp - SL had discussed this with the youngsters who were keen to proceed. 485/01 3 Minutes - of the meeting of MYCMG of 14 September 01 were received. AGREED to allow £50 per two (IVC) clubs per term for materials and extra money for a graffiti artist from the capital fund. (Reason for £50 per club - no admission fee being charged). 486/01 4 Issues raised at open meeting Gate/Barrier - Tara Edwards Community Safety Officer SCDC made two constructive suggestions about a gate and motorbike/moped courses. Committee were keen to follow these up. The clerk to respond accordingly. It was agreed that measures needed to be taken in the short term to show the residents that something tangible was being done to combat the problem of cars racing around The Sycamores car park. The following recommendation could achieve this aim: AGREED to recommend that a small area of The Sycamores car park be set aside for casual parking using a gate and bollards. CCTV - this was a longer term issue. Committee were reminded that problems existed in all the play areas in the village. Security Patrols - not recommended. Outreach Worker - good idea if the staff could be found although it was felt that outreach workers were not needed at present. Noted that two more volunteer workers had offered their services. Police - the police force did not have the manpower. PC Shulver patrolled whenever he could. An article would be put in the Village View asking for special constables. It was noted however that specials patrolled only with full time officers and therefore were constrained by the 'manpower' problem. Site - other sites were discussed but The Sycamores still seemed the only option. 487/01 5 Milton Youth Centre Long term plans - JS was discussing with the football and cricket clubs. Business Plan Evaluation - an after school and holiday club for older children could be operating by February. A breakfast club was also a strong possibility. Storage would be needed for these clubs. HMS had not been able to find out whether the building was still needed for 'excluded children'. The building could possibly be used for support for 'young carers' if a need was found. Noted that there was still approximately £8000 in the youth budget (inc rollover from 2000/01). It was agreed that without the support of the Parish Council and the hard work of the Youth Committee the Milton youth clubs would not be so successful. Milton was also fortunate in having so many volunteers. Lottery Application - the aim was to submit an application for funding towards a permanent building within 18 months. 488/01 6 Any other business HMS would advertise again for more youth workers. The meeting ended at 9.45 pm.