Minutes of the Youth Committee Meeting held on Monday 26 March 2001 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre Present: DJ Lee (chair) HM Smith L Henderson GM Richardson LC Twinn PC Shulver The clerk 1 Apologies for absence JE Coston S Lester J Sandford RJ Farrington RLE Waters 191/01 2 Co-option - AGREED to co-opt LC Twinn on to the committee. 192/01 3 Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 19 December and the YBSG of 22 November were approved and signed as a true record. Matters arising - YBSG (563/00) Building - final work on the skirt and railings was due to be completed. Labour for the work would be £206. The SCDC grant could then be released. HMS had an application form for a "B&Q" scheme. B&Q would provide the materials MPC the labour. It was suggested that a new roof could be put on through this scheme. JS to be asked to investigate. (564/00) Telephone Line - LH had negotiated a BT line at £14.99 per month, installation £46.50. This would give free internet access and no call charges between 6pm and 8am and at weekends. (565/00) Lettings - requests for letting of the building were being made, including an extra club for Kids-R-Us. Matters arising - Youth (616/00) Prince's Trust - nothing to report. (618/00) Meeting with A Williams - four committee members attended. (620/00) Insurance and Inventory - completed. 193/01 4 MYCMG The minutes of the MYCMG 24 January 01 were received. Most action points had been done except for notice board, letter rack, floor buffer and wall heater. (69/01) Other Matters - A volunteer had been recruited as a result of the Village View article. - The clerk would follow up police checks. - The EHO had conducted a thorough health and safety check of the building, including all play equipment. - Litter pick to take place on 7 April (min 70/01). Free swimming vouchers would be given to those taking part. Thanks to TH. Thanks to the Webb family of The Sycamores for the donation of a computer desk. 194/01 5 Milton Youth Centre a) Building update - reported above. b) Clubs - current situation (67/01) Membership Forms - there were concerns about the lack of membership forms as this was a Health and Safety issue. The system for the completion of forms for the Tuesday drop-in had worked satisfactorily. Areas of Responsibility - concerns about area that youth leaders/workers could reasonably expect to supervise were raised. There had been recent problems with Tesco and neighbouring residents. It was AGREED to send a letter to all parents explaining that the leaders could be held responsible for what happens in the building and immediate environs of the recreation ground only. Concerns about the level of behaviour beyond these boundaries would also be expressed. Copy to T Hough for his comments. Copy also to Tesco and neighbouring residents. Consistency between the clubs was necessary. Meeting of MYCMG set for 2 May and Youth Committee for 9 May. Extra Sessions - HMS and the clerk would calculate the extra youth club sessions (to ensure that the youth clubs run for the whole of the school term) and ask for an invoice to date. c) Planning for September - Costing by TH for youth clubs and two evenings per week of drop-in were circulated. As there was considerable concern still about quality control and the lack of suitably qualified workers it was felt appropriate to continue with the status quo and consider this again at the May meeting. It was AGREED to invite the youth workers to the MYCMG meeting - salaries to be met by MPC. d) Payment of youth workers - it was AGREED to pay J Uttin Scale Y1 after Easter - £5.98 per hour. 195/01 6 Any other business - an interim report from TH on the youth clubs was received and noted. The meeting ended at 9.25 pm.