Minutes of the Youth Committee Meeting
       held on Wednesday 11 October 2000 at 7.00pm in the Community Centre

Present:   HM Smith (chair)   L Henderson    GM Richardson    RLE Waters
           The clerk SJ Daniels

       1   Apologies for absence   DJ Lee JE Coston J Sandford

462/00 2   Chairman  HMS was elected chairman for the meeting.

463/00 3   Funding
           HMS presented the actual costs of the youth building against the
           budgeted figures. Total expected cost of the building was £17,277.
           The Parish Council had granted £20,000 towards youth projects and
           SCDC £3,400 towards the building. As a result there was a balance
           of £6,123.

           It was AGREED to put a request to the MCC Finance Committee meeting
           on 16 October and to the next youth committee meeting on
           1 November for funding for the play equipment project at Coles Road.
           It was AGREED also to send a letter to Merrydale about the poor
           state of waterproofing work carried out. The clerk would ask JS to
           arrange for the roofing work to be done.

The meeting ended at 7.20pm.