Minutes of the Youth Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 9th February 1999 at 7:30pm in the Community Centre Present: DJ Lee (chair) J Sandford HM Smith RJ Farrington RLE Waters (part) L Henderson J Sweetman A Wedgbury PC Shulver (part) and the clerk SJ Daniels 1. Apologies for Absence J Coston and E Holmes 71/99 2. Minutes Minutes of the meeting of 30 September 1998 were confirmed and signed as a true record. 72/99 3. Meeting Report of the meeting of 2 December 1998 was noted. 4. Matters Arising 73/99 Girls Group. As there was lack of support E Holmes had not restarted this group after Christmas but was still trying to promote the scheme (telephone message). 74/99 5. Bus Project A Wedgbury acknowledged MPC's support but explained that the Project's scope had changed to meet the needs of youngsters at jrisk. As there were more demands on the Bus and the numbers of youngsters at Milton using it had dropped JSweetman and her co-workers had agreed to meet the requests from elsewhere. In addition Milton had other youth provision. The Bus was not designed to serve Impington patch and was not part of the youth service. The Bus Project rented a room from Impington VC but was not tied to IVC in any other way. Another Lottery application would need to be made to secure funding to pay salaries from October 1999. The Bus would visit Milton on Thursday of half term week (they were making an exception to visit Milton during their week off). If successful they would contemplate visiting during the Easter holiday. They were also available during the summer if needed. J Sweetman would feed back to the clerk by Thursday 25 February the results of the half term visit. If there was a perceived need the Bus Project would consider returning to Milton. MPC to let J Sweetman know of any problems/ needs. 75/99 6. Facilities for Youth Linda Henderson attended to present her suggestions for provision for the 7 - 18 year old age group as a concerned parent representing other concerned parents. Her proposals were:- Basketball area. Safe area for riding cycles - BMX track. Safe area for roller blading. Somewhere for older children to meet - "Drop-In Centre". LH showed sketches of proposed sites. Noted that Coles Road Recreation Ground was overcrowded whilst The Sycamores Recreation Ground was under used. It was hoped that these proposals would make The Sycamores more "user friendly". Noted that LH was making a presentation to the MCC Committee Meeting on 10 February. Costing had been obtained from one firm - basketball area approximately £9,500; roller blading (option 1 including Sycamores car park) £13,000 plus. DJL proposed that the committee endorse the suggestions for basketball, roller blading and the BMX track and would recommend that the Parish Council put some funding towards these projects and recognise the fact that a "Drop In" centre was needed; the committee to look at this proposal again. Agreed. Thanks to Linda Henderson for her presentation. RLEW pointed out that in view of these proposals and Council's need to meet the Sports Council's requirements perhaps MPC should look again at compulsory purchase of the land adjacent A14. 7. Any Other Business 76/99 Youth Work - Over 14 years plus. Council would need to speak to A Allen about provision for the over 14's (to replace the service provided by The Bus) Noted that A Allen could apply through "Wren" for Landfill Tax to support youth work. DJL: to contact A Allen. 77/99 Millennium Ideas. The Primary school children had made suggestions for facilities - these to be put to the Millennium Committee. Date of next meeting: Monday 22 March 7.45pm.