Minutes of a Youth Committee meeting held on Thursday 2nd July 1998 at 7.30 pm in the Community Centre. Present DJ Lee (chair), John Sandford, A Allen, M Croxon Apologies Jane Coston, Hazel Smith, Rob Farrington and Judy Sweetman 1 Election of Chair. David Lee was elected as chair for the forth coming year 2 Minutes of the meeting of 17th March 1997 were accepted 3 Matters Arising. Members reminded themselves of the items discussed at the last meeting. With regard to the homework club no further progress to report. IVC were successful in establishing a Summer Literacy school in 1997 and would run one again this summer. The College had been successful in securing a research project grant from the Basic Skills Agency of £15000 to support tracking of Year 6 students. 4 Bus Project update Numbers had fallen away over recent weeks. Not a major concern, but would become one if numbers did not rise in the Autumn term. Demand for the bus from other villages is growing and therefore consideration would need to be given to their needs if considered greater. Summer term report to be issued shortly. 5 Safer Villages Seminar David and Andy reported on a useful morning looking at achievements elsewhere in Cambridgeshire, in particular with the drop in centre at Linton. Lessons to be learnt from such experiences, in particular on going funding issues 6/7 Youth expenditure Youth club numbers had increased sharply in recent months. A very healthy situation. PC members anxious to secure as much youth provision as was possible for the village Andy Allen was asked to work out with youth leaders and review the provision for the youth in the village. Andy agreed to carry this out and report to PC by November and to present a shopping list of equipment that could be considered for purchase by the committee. 8 Community Education Review A brief summary was given of the background to yet another review. MPC was asked to respond to the review by completing a questionnaire. David agreed to do this on behalf of the PC. An invitation was extended to WC to send a representative to attend the Community Education day on October 1st at IVC beginning at 9.30am 9 AOB Members agreed for this committee to meet regularly throughout the year, 4 times, and to establish a longer term plan of youth work development in Milton 10 Date of next meeting Wednesday September 9th 1998 7.30 pm MCC