Minutes of a Special Meeting of Milton Parish Council
       held on Monday 15 June 1998 at 8pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   RJ Farrington JE Coston  R Day
           PK Oldham    J Sandford   J Shaw   HM Smith  SJ Snaith
           RT Summerfield  LC Twinn  and the clerk SJ Daniels.

       1.  Apologies for Absence
           IF May  CF Nunn  LC Twinn  EY Wakeling.

287/98 2.  Draft Lease of Recreation Grounds and Buildings to MCC
(280/98)   RD proposed and JS seconded that Council proceed with the
           Agreement to Lease the Recreation Grounds and the
           buildings thereon to MCC.  Agreed.
           JS proposed and RD seconded that the length of the Lease
           should be 99 years. Agreed 8 in favour 1 against and 1
           The draft Lease had been circulated prior to the meeting.
           Minor amendments were agreed.
           The following Resolution was agreed in principle to be
           confirmed at the July meeting:-

           "That the form of Lease produced to the meeting and as
            amended and subject to clarification of Section 36 of
            the Charities Act 1993 (sub section a) be executed on b
            half of the new Charity."

           It was agreed that MPC and MCC should pass the same Resolution.

       3.  Planning
288/98     Appeal Mr and Mrs G Metcalfe 36 The Rowans
(134/98)   Noted that the Inspector had allowed this appeal for a
           single storey extension subject to conditions of landscaping.

           Decisions Received
289/98     Mrs S Prior 38 Butt Lane
(254/98)   Addition of pitched roof approved.  Details of the roof tiles
           to be approved.

290/98     S/0595/98  Cambridge Regional College - Continuation of
           use of land for additional car park. Approved subject to
           schemes for landscaping and surface water drainage. Noted
           that this application had been sent to Impington Parish
           Council in error.

           New Applications
291/98     S/0933/97  Mr Cambridge and Miss Wisbey 22 Cambridge Road
           - Minor amendments - two windows on the left hand gable wall.
           For information only.

292/98     S/0912/98  East Waste Ltd - Variation of condition 15
           of planning consent S/0289/91 to allow an extension to the
           permitted hours of working ie on Saturdays and Sundays
           following Bank Holidays. Concerns were expressed about the
           increase in traffic especially at the accident black spot -
           junction of Butt Lane and the A10.

293/98     S/0944/98  Tesco Stores Ltd  Proposed refrigeration plant
           on roof. It was agreed to ask the EHO to look at the acoustic
           report and confirm its accuracy.

           Other Planning Business
294/98     Planning Procedures  Noted that SCDC were operating a pilot
           scheme for 6 months initially to improve the efficiency of
           processing planning applications.

The meeting ended at 9.45pm.