Minutes of the Play Committee Meeting held on Monday 18 February 2002 at 7.00pm in the Community Centre Present: M Ellwood (chair) K Finney HM Smith In attendance B Jefferson The clerk SJ Daniels 1 Apologies for absence L Henderson 79/02 2 Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 17 October 01 were approved and signed as a true record. 80/02 3 Matters Arising Skate Park - HMS reported on her efforts to obtain funding from various sources. The clerk reported that Cornhill Insurance would provide public liability cover so long as the equipment is installed professionally and regularly inspected. 81/02 4 Play Inspections Wicksteed - the clerk had requested an inspection from Wicksteed at £25 per play area. ME would inspect all areas if Wicksteed were not able to inspect before Easter. Rota - the clerk would draw up a rota for the summer. 82/02 5 Rowans Play Area Quotations from Herald Contract Services and Wayman Fencing Services were received. Although there is no statutory requirement to fence off play areas ROSPA recommend most strongly that play areas be fenced to prevent dog fouling. It was AGREED to recommend that Council accept the quotation of £2270.12 from Wayman Fencing Services to supply and fit 63 metres of metal fence (1metre high) to enclose The Rowans play area. 83/02 6 AOB The clerk would ask Herald Contract Services for a quotation for topping up play areas with wood chippings - to include digging out and filling with chippings the grassed area behind the swings at The Rowans play area. The meeting ended at 7.30pm.