Minutes of the Play Committee Meeting held on Wednesday 17 October 01 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre Present: M Ellwood (chair) JE Coston L Henderson HM Smith The clerk SJ Daniels 548/01 1 Apologies for absence K Finney RLE Waters 549/01 2 Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 11 June 01 were approved and signed as a true record. 3 Matters Arising 550/01 Basketball Goal - Froment Way (337/01) The clerk had asked T Nicholls to remove the basketball frame - to be stored in MCC garage until a suitable site is found. ME to discuss with RLEW. (See also min 449/01). 551/01 Humphries Way (338/01) 170 metres of hedging - quick growing but to a height of approximately 60 cms - was needed! It was AGREED that the site was safer with no barrier along the boundary. (See also min 449/01). 552/01 4 Equipment condition update (498/01) Bridge at The Rowans play area still not repaired. Invoices totalling £313 received. Original quotation as reported in minute 449/01 was therefore correct - minute 498/01 incorrect. Responsibility for bins - Recreation Grounds MCC ORG - play areas Maintenance Committee. Noted that a replacement bin on Froment Way was needed (min 517/01 refers). It was AGREED that the robin mobile on Froment Way should be replaced by a Wicksteed elephant. The clerk would obtain cost. 553/01 5 Play Inspection Rota Noted that LH was due to inspect play areas in October . 554/01 6 Skate Park Discussions with youngsters about skate board equipment were ongoing. JEC reported the problems at Waterbeach - the skate park was too close to houses; in addition two youngsters had broken legs. AGREED that skate board facilities should be provided. A site at the southern end of the basketball court was proposed. The cost would be £4500-£5500. The youngsters should be encouraged to help raise funds towards this project. The clerk would find out whether Cornhill would provide insurance cover. The meeting ended at 8.20pm.