Minutes of the Play Committee Meeting
       held on Monday 11 June 01 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   M Ellwood (chair)   L Henderson   J Sandford   HM Smith
           The clerk SJ Daniels

       1   Apologies for absence   JE Coston   K Finney   RLE Waters
           PC Shulver.
           (Noted that Karen Finney Kids R Us had agreed to join the committee
           but was unable to attend this meeting. It was hoped that the
           Pre-school would also provide a representative).

335/01 2   Chairman ME was elected chairman.

336/01 3   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 15 March 00  were approved and signed
           as a true record.

       4   Matters Arising
337/01     Basketball Goal - Froment Way
(128/00)   It was felt that the basketball goal should stay at Froment Way.
           ME to discuss with RLEW.

338/01     Humphries Way
(129/00)   This area was well used.  ME to investigate whether a suitable, low
           growing, hedge could be planted along the Froment Way/Humphries Way

339/01 5   Wicksteed Inspection
           The inspection report was received and minor repairs noted.  The
           clerk to arrange.

340/01 6   Play Inspection Rota
           The rota was agreed. Replacement signs would be noted at June

The meeting ended at 7.50pm.