Minutes of the Youth/Play Committee Meeting
       held on Monday 22nd March 1999 at 7:35pm in the Community Centre

Present:   DJ Lee (chair)   P Brindle   JE Coston   J Sandford
           HM Smith   RJ Farrington   R Day   RT Summerfield
           L Henderson (co-opted)
           A Allen   E Holmes   PC Shulver
           and the clerk SJ Daniels

       1.  Apologies for absence:  RLE Waters   P Gaynord   J May J Sweetman

129/99 2.  Minutes
           The minutes of the Youth meeting of 9 February were confirmed
           and signed as a true record.

 3.        Matters Arising
130/99     Girls Group
(73/99)    There were not enough girls interested to make the group viable.
           EH was, however, keeping in contact with the girls that did show
           an interest.

131/99     Bus Project
(74/99)    As the bus would be in the garage for servicing there would
           be no Easter visit.  Disappointment was expressed that the bus
           was not now attending the village - the February visit would
           suggest that there was still a need -  since the Impington Patch
           was a priority area in the lottery funding bid.
           DJL: to request a visit during Spring Bank Holiday from the bus
                or, failing that, the youth workers.
           JEC requested an article for the Village View.

132/99     Youth Club
(76/99)    AA reported that the youth club had an excellent worker. Entrance
           charges had recently been abolished and the club opened up to a
           mixed age range. As a result attendances had improved. It was
           felt that it was more appropriate for the older ages to be catered
           for at a different time from the junior club.
           AA: to look at possibility of separating age ranges e.g. different

           The Community Education budget for 1999/2000 had been reduced to
           £48,000 (reduction of 8.5%).
           AA had decided to terminate his contract. On behalf of Council,
           committee thanked him for his efforts and support.

133/99 4.  Minutes
           The minutes of the Play Committee meeting of 22 February were
           confirmed and signed as a true record

       5.  Matters Arising
134/99     'Toddlers' Play Area Coles Road
(79/99)    The Pre-School were still concerned about the Roll-a-Barrel,
           finger traps in the slide and the quality of the woodchip.

           AGREED to defer considering moving the Roll-a-Barrel until
                  siting of BMX track has been finalised.
           The clerk: to follow up queries about slide and woodchip.

135/99 6.  Quotations for BMX track, roller hockey and basketball areas
(81/99)    A recent meeting with almost 30 youngsters fully supported
           the three projects.

           BMX Track

           LH felt that a scheme similar to Trumpington was not appropriate
           for Coles Road and that a possible site was behind the cricket nets.
           The area to the side of the Country Park entrance was suggested.

           AGREED  to defer this scheme until a firm proposal for the
                   siting be made.

           Roller Hockey and Basketball

           Four quotations had been received.

           AGREED  to recommend that Council support the development and
                   accept the quotation from Anglian and Midland subject
                   to further scrutiny of the quotations and to ask
                   Anglian and Midland to quote for providing cabling for

136/99     Quotations for swing at Humphries Way
(80/99)    Three quotations had been received.

           AGREED  (by 3 votes to 2) to recommend that Council accept
                   the quotation of £2553 from Playdale for a double swing
                   with a rubber safety surface.

           It was felt that though Wicksteed's swing had side barriers as a
           safety feature the Playdale swing, being made of wood, was more
           appropriate at Humphries Way.

           Noted that a request was made that the play committee consider a
           'Spider' rope climbing structure.

Next Youth meeting to be held in June - exact date to be agreed.

The meeting ended at 9.15pm.