Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday 28 October 2002 at 7.00pm in the Community Centre Present: RJ Farrington (chair) JE Coston R Day B Jefferson CJ Lock HM Smith RT Summerfield LC Twinn RLE Waters The clerk SJ Daniels and 7 members of the public (part) 1 Apologies for absence - PK Oldham TJ Siggs 443/02 2 Minutes - the minutes of the meeting of 16 September 2002 were approved and signed as a true record. 3 Decisions Received 444/02 St John's College - land at St John's Innovation Park - (369/02) construction of 7 new car parking spaces and external works - approved. 4 New Applications 445/02 S/1875/02/ Mr & Mrs Price Silver Acre High Street - extensions and alterations. RTS reported that the Planning Officer was negotiating with the applicant's architect to have the windows moved leaving just a bathroom window (with obscure glass) overlooking 9A Willow Crescent. Refuse on the following grounds: - The extension is obtrusive especially on the south side thus causing a shadow on the garden of the bungalow at number 9A Willow Crescent. - The windows from the building would overlook the living quarters of the bungalow at number 9A Willow Crescent. - It would be overbearing. - Over-development of the site especially with regard to the narrow access on to High Street. MPC supported the views of the resident at 9A Willow Crescent. Should this application be approved then it should be the responsibility of the applicant to implement a landscaping scheme to screen the building from the bungalow. 446/02 S/1893/02 Mr & Mrs J Wicks 28 Old School Lane - oa for a dwelling. Noted that there had been two letters of objection and that the Planning Officer was considering delegated refusal on the grounds of cramped over-development. No recommendation - Milton Parish Council would not object to a small, normal standard bungalow but would object to anything higher than a single storey building on this site. 447/02 S/1896/02/LB Mr & Mrs J Tillisch Milton House 28 Fen Road - various alterations - no recommendation. 448/02 S/192602 S Prior 38 Butt Lane - conservatory (retrospective application) - refuse. If the two glass windows bordering the neighbour's property were blocked off with appropriate materials then Milton Parish Council would not object. 449/02 S/1930/02 Mr & Mrs S Campbell 54 Butt Lane - extensions - no recommendations. 450/02 S/1945/02CIRC 18/84 The Home Office unit 270-289 Science Park - air conditioning unit - no recommendations. 451/02 S/1946/02 Chirotech Technology Ltd unit 101 Science Park - satellite dish - no recommendations. 452/02 S/1987/02 Camstead Ltd 7 houses on land at Shirley Close - refuse: (5 votes in favour 4 abstentions). (Each objection was voted on individually) - Over-development of the site. (4 votes in favour 1 against 4 abstentions) - The over bearing outlook of the three storey houses - out of keeping with the neighbourhood. (6 in favour 3 abstentions) - The loss of 5/6 parking spaces in Shirley Close. (6 in favour 3 abstentions) - The development would create a possible traffic hazard. Have the emergency services been consulted as there have been problems in this area? (5 in favour 4 abstentions) - Is there sufficient parking for 4 bedroom houses and their visitors? (7 in favour 2 abstentions) The meeting ended at 8.15pm.