Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting
       held on Monday 22 July 2002 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre 

Present:   PK Oldham (chair)   R Day   B Jefferson   CJ Lock   TJ Siggs   HM Smith
           RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           The clerk SJ Daniels  
           3 members of the public (part)
321/02 1   Election of Chairman - RJF was elected chairman. PKO was elected chairman
           for this meeting.
       2   Apologies for absence  -  RJ Farrington   RLE Waters
322/02 3   Minutes  - the minutes of the meeting of 18 March 2002 were approved and
           signed as a true record.

       4   Decisions Received
323/02     S/00461/02/CW Donarbon Ltd - land at Recycling Centre Ely Road Waterbeach - 
(236/02)   variation of Conditions 8,9,21 and 22 to allow the delivery of additional
           waste materials from Household Waste Recycling Centres on Sundays and
           Bank Holidays - approved.

       5   New Applications
324/02     S/0145/01 Quattrocento Ltd Unit 140 Science Park - extensions refuse/cycle
(320/01)   store and additional parking - minor amendments (for information).

325/02     S/1038/02 TXU Europe North Lodge Ely Road - erection of garage/utility
(276/02)   fences and gates - amendments (for information).

326/02     S/1304/02 Mr & Mrs S Campbell  54 Butt Lane - extension to garage and rear
           - no recommendation (see also min 97/02).  Noted that there had been three
           objections from neighbours. 

327/02     S/1341/02 Mr & Mrs A Race 7 Coulson Close - single storey side and rear
           extension - no recommendation (see also min 300/02). PKO as Trees Officer
           expressed his disappointment at the loss of the hedgerow.

328/02     S/1362/02 Cambridge Regional College - extensions at Blocks C and E - no

329/02     S/1363/02 Trinity College (CSP) Ltd with Aula Ltd - Unit 428 Phase 6
           Science Park - erection of building for research and development with
           associated offices together with stores building and covered cycle rack -
           no recommendation.

330/02     S/1382/02 A West 73 Coles Road - extension.  JEC declared an interest.
           Support the comments of the neighbours at number 71 Coles Road, especially
           with reference to loss of light at both the front, rear and the side. 
           The building as proposed would come out in front of the building line.
           Concerned about the number of car parking spaces for a 4/5 bedroom house -
           (is access to the garage possible?) - as the driveway is shared with number
           This proposal sets a worrying precedent.

331/02     Camstead Ltd - 7 houses at rear of Fen Farm Fen Road (see also min 141/02).
           Noted that Camstead had submitted their plans for MPC's views before making
           formal application to SCDC.
           AGREED to make no comments until official submission of plans.

The meeting ended at 8.25pm.