Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting
       held on Monday 18 March 2002 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RJ Farrington (chair)   R Day   B Jefferson   HM Smith
           RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           The clerk SJ Daniels

       1   Apologies for absence - TJ Siggs

135/02 2   Minutes - the minutes of the meeting of 18 February 2002 were
           approved and signed as a true record.

(97/02)    Application by Mr Campbell (see also min 120/02) - RTS reported that
           three neighbours had objected to this application and that the
           Planning Officer intended to refuse permission.

       3   Decisions Received

136/02     Meadow Enterprises Ltd 137 Cambridge Road - change of use to light
(68/02)    industrial [Class B1 (c)] - approved. Premises to be restricted to
           a light industrial use only and to be used for no other purpose.

137/02     I Jones 32 Fen Road - alterations to rear kitchen extension and
(69/02)    replacement of conservatory, installation of 2 new windows in front
           dormers and re-render west gable wall - approved. Various conditions
           to detailing and materials appropriate to this listed building.

138/02     Mr & Mrs CR Peters 11 High Street - extensions and study/store -
(89/02)    approved.
           External materials to be identical to those used for the existing

139/02     Biofocus Discovery Ltd Unit 9B Science Park - gas meter housing and
(90/02)    first floor chiller enclosure - approved.

140/02     K and L Dhese 51 Old School Lane - extension - approved. External
(94/02)    materials to be identical to those used for the existing building.

141/02     Appeal by Camstead - against refusal of permission for 8 houses at
(116/02)   land at Fen Farm - dismissed. Contrary to the Development Plan in
           that it would be harmful to the character of the surrounding area
           and visually intrusive and harmful to the living conditions of
           8 and 10 Shirley Close.

       4   New Applications

142/02     S/00461/02/CW Donarbon Ltd - land at Recycling Centre Ely Road
           Waterbeach - variation of Conditions 8,9,21 and 22 to allow the
           delivery of additional waste materials from Household Waste
           Recycling Centres on Sundays and Bank Holidays - approve
           (1 abstention).

143/02     S/0443/02 Mr & Mrs A Hill - 28 Bene't Close - single storey rear
           extension - no recommendation.

144/02     S/0444/02 Mr & Mrs A Race 7 Coulson Close - single storey side and
           rear extension - no recommendation. Concerned about loss of old field
           boundary hedge and health and safety issues re the indoor pool.

145/02     S/0468/02 P Garrod 13 Bene't Close - extension - no recommendation.

146/02     S/0494/02 T Constantinides 1 Ballard Close - two storey side
           extension to form day room and bedroom - no recommendation.

The meeting ended at 7.55pm.