Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday 19 November 2001 at 7.50pm in the Community Centre Present: RJ Farrington (chair) R Day B Jefferson CJ Lock PK Oldham HM Smith RT Summerfield LC Twinn The clerk SJ Daniels 1 Apologies for absence TJ Siggs 600/01 2 Minutes - the minutes of the meeting of 15 October 2001 were approved and signed as a true record. 3 Decisions Received 601/01 RG Cave land r/o 63 Cambridge Road bungalow - refused. Back-land (507/01) development out of character with the surrounding area. The bungalow would be sited in a poor environment suffering noise and disturbance from its commercial neighbours and causing noise and disturbance to its residential neighbour. The proposed access for the bungalow would run between and in close proximity to the two proposed houses. Further noise and disturbance would occur through the use of the proposed access to the new properties either side of the access. Contrary to Policy SP12/10 of the Structure Plan 1995, Policy H15 of the South Cambs Local Plan 1993 and Policy H16A of the South Cambs Deposit Local Plan 1999. 4 New Applications 602/01 S/2103/01 Lancashire Industrial and Commercial Services Ltd - change of use to golf practice centre including club house par 3 golf course shop/office car park access and bridle path/pedestrian link to rowing lake and park at Penfold Farm Ely Road. No recommendation - comments: - Pedestrian access - no vehicle use (except emergency) should be allowed. - Trees and hedges should be safeguarded as a natural screen. The proposed landscaping scheme requested. - No material to be removed from the site. - Archaeology scheme to be a Reserved Matter? 603/01 S/2130/01 Astex Technology Ltd - hardstanding adjacent Unit 128 Science Park installation of temporary portakabin - no recommendation. Comments (for S/2131/01 below also) : - Permission should be temporary - no more than 18 months. - Car parking implications should be considered as a 50% increase in staff was planned. 604/01 S/2131/01 Astex Technology Ltd - grassed area adjacent Unit 250 Science Park installation of temporary portakabin - no recommendation. (Comments as above). 605/01 S/2144/01 C Lee - site at Cave Industrial Estate Chesterton Fen Road - change of use of land for storage of skips/bins and lorries - no recommendation. Concerned about the impact of additional traffic on local residents. 5 Any other business 606/01 Research and Development Building Unit 436 Science Park (575/01) Noted that SCDC had no objection to this building being constructed in two phases. The meeting ended at 8.20pm.