Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday 15 October 2001 at 8.00pm in the Community Centre Present: RJ Farrington [chair] R Day B Jefferson HM Smith (part) TJ Siggs RT Summerfield L C Twinn RLE Waters PK Oldham the clerk 1 Apologies for absence 535/01 2 Minutes - the minutes of the meeting of 17 September 2001 were approved and signed as a true record. 3 Decisions Received 536/01 Lifespan Healthcare NHS Trust - Milton Surgery Coles Road - (402/01) portable office building - approved till 31 August 2002. 537/01 Mr & Mrs C Peters 11 High Street - two storey extension to side, (464/01) alterations to rear single storey extension, erection of study room/store - application now withdrawn. 4 New Applications 538/01 S/1898/01 Cambridge Regional College siting of three mobile classrooms to house students due to over subscription of classes. Approve subject to the buildings being for a temporary period - concerned about the extra car parking needed. 539/01 S/907/01 Biofocus Discovery Ltd Unit 9B Science Park - new roof mounted flues and minor elevation changes to south east facing elevation - no recommendation (4 votes in favour 4 abstentions). 5 Any other business 540/01 Landscaping Milton Hall Ely Road - noted that Pi Research wished to retain the leylandii hedge. The clerk would inform Mr Hellingsworth that the Committee had no objection to retaining the hedge provided that the fence be removed and that the height of the hedge kept to a maximum of 1.5 metres. Agreed that RTS would represent Council at any site meeting. 541/01 Development on Sites Subject to Flooding - guidelines received from SCDC - to be copied for Committee. The meeting ended at 8.25pm.