NB: these minutes were OCRed - there may be small errors Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday 17 September 2001 at 7.00pm in the Community Centre Present: RJ Farrington [chair] R Day B Jefferson HM Smith L C Twinn RLE Waters PK Oldham (part) the clerk 1 Apologies for absence - TJ Siggs RT Summerfield 459/01 2 Election of chairman - RJF was elected chairman 460/01 3 Minutes - the minutes of the meeting of 16 July 2001 were approved and signed as a true record. 4 Decisions Received 461/01 J Upton The Old Coal Yard Chesterton Fen Road - change of use to (32/101) storage of skips - approved. Skips not to be stored to a height exceeding 2 metres. No more than 20 skips to be stored on site at any one time. No waste material to be stored on the site or within the skips. 5 New Applications 462/01 S/1637/01 C Lee land adjacent 2 Grange Park Chesterton Fen Road - use of land for storage of skips - no recommendation. Concerned that this might conflict with Local Plan Policies for Chesterton Fen and about the impact of additional traffic on local residents. 463/01 S/1639/01 Mr N Fleming 16 Willow Crescent - two storey and single storey side extension - refuse. Concerned that one car parking space would he lost. The proposed extensions would make it difficult to park two cars on the front drive. Supported the neighbour's objection regarding loss of light to the kitchen window of number 18 Willow Crescent. The proposal would appear to he over development of this site as it would increase the building by 50%. 464/01 S/1661/01 Mr & Mrs C Peters 11High Street - two storey extension to side, alterations to rear single storey extension erection of study room/store no recommendation. 465/01 S/1662/01 Mr & Mrs G Butler 44 Old School Lane - single storey side and rear extension - approve. 466/01 S/1696/01/RM Trinity College (CSP) Ltd with Aula Ltd - Unit 410 Science Park - building for research/development with supporting offices (application for approval of reserved matters following granting of outline permission) no recommendation. Concerned that there should be adequate parking both for the employees and visitors; that there should be sympathetic landscaping around the building and that the building itself fits in aesthetically with its surrounds. 467/01 S/1722/01 S&M Miller137 Cambridge Road - change of use of showroom for sale of ceramic tiles - no recommendation. 468/01 S/1724/01 Mr & Mrs Smith 31 Humphries Way - kitchen extension & extension of garage with additional bedroom over - extend/alter existing bathroom - no recommendation. 469/01 S/1757/01 Mr & Mrs McPherson 88 Butt lane - extension to dwelling - no recommendation. 470/01 6 SCDC Enforcement Manual/Retrospective Planning Applications A copy of SCDC Enforcement Manual had been circulated. The Manual explained SCDC's policy, procedures and priorities when taking enforcement action. It was noted that retrospective planning applications were considered in the same way as other applications. The meeting ended at 7.45pm.