Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting
       held on Monday 19 March 2001 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RJ Farrington [chair]   JE Coston   R Day   B Jefferson
           HM Smith   LC Twinn   RLE Waters
           The clerk

       1   Apologies for absence  PK Oldham   TJ Siggs   RT Summerfield

176/01 2   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 19 February 2001 were approved
           and signed as a true record.

177/01     Kurser Cars - an application had been submitted.  SCDC required
(136/01)   amendments to the application form. There were concerns about cars
           parked on the highway verge. The clerk to pursue.

178/01     Tesco Extensions - Tesco were unable to meet the cost of resurfacing
(159/01)   the Sycamores car park and had offered £5000 for use of the car
           park from 17 April for 13 weeks. RLEW would negotiate.

       3   Decisions Received

179/01     SSL International Unit 205 Science Park - single storey rest room
(60/01)    and storage buildings to replace 3 temporary cabins - approved.
           Landscaping scheme to be approved.

180/01     Mr & Mrs R Cox  169 The Rowans - extension - refused.
(62/01)    Overbearing and oppressive when viewed from number 167 and
           therefore contrary to Policy HG17 (2) of the Deposit Local Plan
           1999. (This policy seeks to resist extensions which seriously harm
           amenities of neighbouring properties).

181/01     Mr M Smith 42 Fen Road - amendments to extensions - approved

182/01     Iansyst Ltd build 2 Rose Cottage Chesterton Fen Road - amendment  -
(107/01)   insertion of windows - approved

183/01     Mr & Mrs DL and Mr & Mrs ALD Haird - erection of 2 dwellings and
(108/01)   conversion of building to dwelling - land at Half Acre and Orchard
           End Cambridge Road. One dwelling and conversion of office/workshop
           into dwelling - approved.  Detailed plans to be submitted.

184/01     J Clough 15 Faulkner Close - extension above garage for bedroom -
(111/01)   approved.
           External materials to be identical to those used for the existing
           buildings; internal length of garage to be no less than 5 metres;
           garage to be retained for the parking of a car (not to be used as
           living accommodation - no trade or business to be carried on
           therefrom); permanent space reserved for the parking of two cars
           to be used for the parking of cars in association with the
           residential use of the main dwelling.

       4   New Applications

185/01     S/0383/01/A Cambridge Newspapers Ltd Winship Road - renewal of
           permission S/0672/96/A for retention of fascia sign to canopy -
186/01     S/0384/01/A Cambridge Newspapers Ltd Winship Road - renewal of
           permission S/0294/96/A for retention of 3 satellite dishes -
187/01     S/0385/01/A Cambridge Newspapers Ltd Winship Road - renewal of
           permission S/0293/96/A for retention of illuminated sign - approve.

188/01     S/0420/01 Mr & Mrs Prater 28 Pearson Close - single storey side and
           rear extensions - approve.

189/01     C/11/40/72 Ms A Ostler 22 Church Lane - tree surgery (ash tree) -
           accept Tree Officer's advice.

190/01     S/1570/00 Milton Landfill - JEC had attended a County Council
(162/01)   development control meeting and because of a range of issues had
           been able to have the landfill application deferred to the next
           meeting of 26 April. As there were serious problems it was agreed
           that JEC and PKO prepare a paper for the next Council meeting to

The meeting ended at 8.10pm.