Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting
       held on Monday 19 February 2001 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RJ Farrington [chair]   JE Coston   R Day   B Jefferson   HM Smith
           RT Summerfield   LC Twinn   RLE Waters 
           PK Oldham
           The clerk

       1   Apologies for absence  TJ Siggs

126/01 2   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 22 January 2001 were approved and
           signed as a true record.
127/01     Vodafone Ltd - confirmed by SCDC that prior approval was required
(64/01)    for 3 UNTS antenna, equipment cabinet and meter cabinet, NTL at
           Milton Transmitting Station EE Offices Ely Road.
128/01     Landscaping Hospice - landscaping scheme for the hospice grounds was
(505/99)   received.

129/01 3   Tesco Extensions
(416/00)   RLEW, RTS and the clerk met with Neil Fryatt of Tesco on 13
           February. Following points were discussed:
           - Customers had asked for new cycle/pedestrian entrance off the
             slip road. New cycle/foot bridge would make this unnecessary. The
             clerk had written to Tesco officially to inform them of the
             cycle/foot bridge.
           - Works on car park due to start 26 February till early July.
             Extensions would take place simultaneously. Tesco would like to
             make use of Sycamores car park for their staff. As compensation
             Tesco could tarmac the car park.
             RLEW had met with the users of the Sycamores recreation ground.
             All were happy to suffer short term inconvenience for the long
             term benefits.
             Negotiations with Tesco were in hand.
           - Tesco were in discussion with coach companies about use of car
             park for pick-ups etc.
           - More cycle racks were to be provided.
           - Walkway at side would be better lit. Tesco were aware of graffiti.
           - There were no plans for CCTV outside the store at present but a
             risk assessment was being done. NF interested to hear that Tesco
             contributed to quarter of Milton's crimes. RLEW had sent NF
             copies of previous correspondence about CCTV.
           - Lunch time traffic problems were discussed

130/01 4   Planning Guidance
           SCDC's guidance on planning permission and reserved matters, the
           scheme of Delegation to Officers and details of preparation of an
           enforcement manual were received and noted.

       5   Decisions Received
131/01     MA Hanson 24 High Street - extensions - approved.  Details of
(613/00)   materials for external walls and roofs and details of
           reconstruction of wall between 24 High Street and White Horse
           Public House to be approved by LPA.
132/01     BYW Ltd - land adjacent unit 270 Science Park - erection of
(58/01)    office/research and development building together with car
           parking, cycle and refuse stores - approved. Landscaping scheme
           to be approved. Conditions imposed relating to access road and
           road junction.
           The following to be approved by the LPA:  Area and siting of land
           for parking, turning, loading and unloading of all vehicles;
           details of surface water drainage and foul sewage disposal;
           details of location and type of any power driven plant or equipment.

       6   New Applications
133/01     S/0236/01 Symbian Ltd Ely Road - 40 space cycle shed - approve.
           Noted that a sign had been erected.

134/01     S/0272/01 Napp Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd Unit 191 Science Park -
           single storey portakabins (3) and one steel corrugated building - 
           approve on condition that the permission should be for a temporary
           period only.

135/01     C/11/17/72/1 Mrs Wiltshire 11 Knights Way - pollarding of horse
           chestnut (TPO) - approve.

       7   Other Business
136/01     Kurser Cars Bene't Garage - no application had yet been received.
(32/01)    Defer till meeting of 19 March.

137/01     Pi Group Landscaping - J Hellingsworth was in the process of
(603/00)   enforcing the landscaping scheme.

The meeting ended at 8.25pm.

Footnote:  Milton Landfill Site (min 106/01) - JEC would ask for an
           extension to the consultation period.