Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on Monday 22 January 2001 at 8.40pm in the Community Centre Present: RJ Farrington [chair] JE Coston [part] R Day B Jefferson HM Smith RT Summerfield LC Twinn RLE Waters EH Baker PK Oldham TJ Siggs The clerk 1 Apologies for absence None 51/01 2 Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 18 December 2000 were approved and signed as a true record. (609/00) S/2190/00 M Smith 42 Fen Road - noted that the ownership of verge adjacent Shirley Close was being investigated by Shirley Close Residents' Association. (20/01) Ash Tree Hospice - the following comment was sent to SCDC: "We agree with the suggestion made by the SCDC Trees Officer that the tree be semi-pollarded." 3 Decisions Received 52/01 Trinity College (CSP) Ltd and Aula Ltd - link road at land (414/98) between Kings Hedges Drive and the Science Park - approved. Amended plan received (for information only). 53/01 Napp Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd Science Park - erection of (407/99) 32,680 m2 B1Floorspace together with car parking and access - approved. Development to be started within 5 years. Full details of reserved matters in respect of siting of buildings, design and external appearance of the buildings and landscaping of the site to be approved by the LPA. The buildings to be used for research and development only, for a period of 10 years from the occupation of each of the new buildings. The following to be approved by LPA: A programme of archaeological work; external lighting scheme; details of car parking provision and secure and covered cycle parking; landscaping scheme; ecological survey and scheme for protection of invertebrates, breeding birds and reptiles; scheme for retention and creation of grassland, scrub and other habitats of wildlife value; scheme and programme for investigation and recording of contamination and report detailing proposals to remove, contain or render harmless such contamination; scheme for provision and implementation of pollution control, including foul and surface water drainage. No development to take place until the completion of road improvements to the A14 west bound off slip road to three lanes and alterations to the circulatory carriageway of the A10 at the A10/A14 junction. A scheme to improve the Science Park/A1307 junction and details of the additional means of access to the Science Park estate road to be approved by the LPA - works to be completed in accordance with agreed time scale. 54/01 Mr & Mrs Robinson 56 Butt Lane - extension - approved. Garage not (591/00) to be used as additional living accommodation (and no trade or business to be carried on therefrom); parking spaces to be retained and kept free for parking of vehicles at all times. 55/01 Mr & Mrs F Butterfill 21 Butt Lane - single storey rear extension - (592/00) approved. Bricks to be identical to those used for existing building. 56/01 AC & PS Collen 41 Cambridge Road - two storey extension - approved. (610/00) 57/01 Mr & Mrs K Ball 7 Ballard Close - two storey side extension - (611/00) approved. 4 New Applications 58/01 S/1968/00 BYW Ltd - land adjacent unit 270 Science Park - erection (583/00) of office/research and development building together with car parking, cycle and refuse stores - amended layout to include landscaping details - no recommendation. 59/01 S/2377/00 Mr Ellington & Miss Collier 51 Butt Lane - single storey (24/01) extensions at either end of property and minor internal alterations within garage area - no recommendation. 60/01 S/0008/01 SSL International Unit 205 Science Park - single storey rest room and storage buildings to replace 3 temporary cabins - refuse. Over-development of the site and out of character with the area. Another example of the original concept of the Science Park being eroded by the encroachment of buildings. Disappointed at the poorly presented plans. 61/01 S/0009/01 Trinity College (CSP) Ltd and Aula Ltd Unit 418/428 Phase 6 Science Park - building for research/development with supporting offices - no recommendation. 62/01 S/0021/01 Mr & Mrs Cox 169 The Rowans - first floor extension - no recommendation. 63/01 S/0068/01/A Tesco Store Cambridge Road - signs - no recommendation. 64/01 S/0078/01/PNT Vodafone Ltd - 3 UNTS antenna, equipment cabinet and meter cabinet, NTL at Milton Transmitting Station EE Offices Ely Road - no recommendation (1 abstention). The meeting ended at 9.25pm.