Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting
       held on Monday 23 October 2000 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RJ Farrington [chair]   JE Coston    R Day    B Jefferson
           HM Smith   LC Twinn   RLE Waters

       1   Apologies for absence  RT Summerfield    the clerk

481/00 2   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 18 September 2000 were approved
           as a true record.

       3   Decisions Received
482/00     C Threadgold 2 Peter Goodin Close - extension and double garage -
(405/00)   approved. No windows, doors or openings of any kind to be inserted
           in east elevation.
483/00     Mr & Mrs J Fisher 42 The Rowans - extension - approved.
(427/00)   Garage to be used for parking of cars in association with the
           residential use.
484/00     LR Allan 9 Cambridge Road - vehicular access - approved.
(431/00)   Area of land between front boundary hedge and front of house to be
           maintained for turning of vehicles.
485/00     T Essberger 11 Cambridge Road - vehicular access - approved.
(432/00)   Area of land between front boundary hedge and front of house to be
           maintained for turning of vehicles.
486/00     Mr R Mendham 11 Willow Crescent - garage - approved.
(448/00)   Two concrete bollards shown on approved plan must be put in place.
           No doors other than roller shutter doors to be installed on Gunnell
           Close opening.  [Committee agreed that an appropriate term was 
           "building" rather than "garage"].
487/00     Ms H Coard 13 Cambridge Road - vehicular access - approved.
(433/00)   Hard or soft landscape barrier to be erected at front of site in
           line with width of house - details to be approved by LPA.

       4   New Applications
488/00     S/0862/00 Tesco Stores Ltd Cambridge Road - extensions to store
(416/00)   including alterations to provide new main entrance together with
           revised storage/loading facilities and relocation of recycling
           centre and bus stop.
           AGREED by 4 votes to 3  to make no recommendation.
           - Concerned about the potential for cars queuing into the petrol
             station preventing shopping traffic from entering the site and
             resulting in queuing on the public highway.
           - Concerned about the difficulties for emergency vehicles gaining
             access to the front entrance of the store in the case of the
             entrance/exit being blocked.
489/00     S/1731/00 Mr J Zamirski 30 The Oaks - amendment to extension -
(430/00)   reduction in length by 0.5 metres - no further comments; no
490/00     S/1839/00 S Rolph 12 High Street - vehicular access - approve
           [delegated - min 433/00].  Approved by SCDC [decision notice already
491/00     S/1887/00 Mr & Mrs Pearson 50 Butt Lane - first floor side
           extension - no recommendation.
492/00     S/1919/00 Mrs C Shoesmith & Mr FJ Confrey 7 Cambridge Road -
           vehicular access - approve [delegated  min 433/00].
493/00     Mr Hull 26 Bene't Close - conservatory - no recommendation.

 The meeting ended at 8.20pm.