Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting
       held on Monday 18 September 2000 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RJ Farrington [chair]   R Day   B Jefferson   HM Smith
           RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           The clerk SJ Daniels
           One member of the public [part]

       1   Apologies for absence  JE Coston    RLE Waters

418/00 2   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 24 July 2000 were approved and signed
           as a true record.

       3   Decisions Received
419/00     Cambridge Housing Society Sheltered Housing - amendment - approved.
420/00     All Saints' Church car park - approved.
421/00     Mr & Mrs Maclennan 39 Butt Lane - extension - approved.
422/00     Mr & Mrs Mynott 15 Pearson Close - first floor extension and stairs
(403/00)   - approved.

       4   New Applications
423/00     S/2139/98 Napp Pharmaceuticals Ltd Unit 400 - research/development
(31/99)    building with car parking and access road - amended layout to
           achieve softer area around main entrance; reduction in car parking
           from 136 to 124 and increase in covered cycle store from 30 to 40 -
           no recommendation.
424/00     R Upton and 15 others - Grange Park - Chesterton Fen Road -
(509/99)   temporary permission for 12 months for use as a caravan site (16
           pitches).  Noted that this application had  now been withdrawn.
425/00     S/1498/00 Mr R Mendham 11 Willow Crescent - amendment - alterations
(366/00)   to garage to reduce access width to 1.5metres - refuse:
           [by 5 votes to 1] on aesthetic grounds to the barriers and would
           prefer garage door to remain as in original application.
           This was carried after the failure of the following amendment
           "Committee would prefer another method to block off the entrance so
           that it cannot be used as a four wheeled vehicular access."
426/00     S/1658/00 Mr M Hanson 24 High Street - two storey and single storey
           rear extensions - no recommendation.
427/00     S/1667/00 Mr & Mrs J Fisher 42 The Rowans - two storey extension
           over garage - no recommendation.
428/00     S/1673/00 Mr & Mrs M Nunn 12 Willow Crescent - two storey extension
           to side of house to replace existing garage, single storey porch w/c
           extension to front, single storey kitchen/dining extension to rear -
           no recommendation.
429/00     S/1712/00 Mr & Mrs P Sievewright 3 Coles Road - single storey rear
           extension and garage - no recommendation.
430/00     S/1731/00 J Zamirski 30 The Oaks - single storey rear extension
           comprising two rooms - refuse:
           Over development of the plot;  concerned about the position of the
           kitchen, its ventilation and  services in the centre of the house.
431/00     S/1753/00 LR Allan  9 Cambridge Road - vehicular access - approve.
432/00     S/1754/00 T Essberger 11 Cambridge Road - vehicular access- approve.
433/00     S/1757/00 Ms H Coard 13 Cambridge Road - vehicular access - approve.
           AGREED not to object to any further applications for dropped kerbs
                  along cycle route to help speed up planning process.

The meeting ended at 8.20pm.