Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting
       held on Monday 24 July 2000 at 8.00pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RJ Farrington (chair)   JE Coston   R Day   B Jefferson
           RT Summerfield   LC Twinn   PK Oldham
           The clerk SJ Daniels
           Two members of the public

       1   Apologies for absence  HM Smith  RLE Waters

360/00 2   Election of Chairman  RJF was elected chairman.

361/00 3   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 22 May 2000 were approved and signed
           as a true record.

362/00 4   Decisions Received
(261/00)   a L Thipthorpe 1&2 The Cottages Chesterton Fen Road - erection of 2
             warehouse units (use class B8) following demolition of cottages
             and outbuilding (renewal of time limited permission S/0039/95) -
             approved. Details of materials to be used for external walls and
             roofs, location and type of any power driven plant and a scheme
             for the provision and implementation of pollution control to be
             approved by LPA in writing.

(328/00)   b The College of West Anglia - relocation of dog grooming parlour
              - approved until  30 June 2005.

(329/00)   c The College of West Anglia - extension to provide veterinary
             surgery - approved.

(330/00)   d PI Research Milton Hall - siting of two portakabins for
             office/laboratory - approved until 30 June 2001.
             RTS to ask Trees Officer to advise how best to achieve opening up
             the view of Milton Hall from the Ely road.

363/00 5   New Applications
(503/99)   a S/1428/99 PG Shenton 26 Cambridge Road - extensions - minor
             amendments - obscure glass in first floor windows facing south
             west and northern boundary.
             No recommendation so long as conditions applicable to original
             application were maintained.

(290/00)   b S/0985/00 P Garner adjacent 21 Landbeach Road - new dwelling -
             amended design. No recommendation.

           c S/1276/00 Mr & Mrs R Skinner 3 Bulteel Close - extension.   No
             recommendation.  Loss of one car parking space queried.

           d S/1263/00 College of West Anglia - relocation of temporary
             classrooms during construction of new teaching facilities. No 
             recommendation. To avoid inconvenience to neighbouring residents
             it was hoped that extra temporary car parking spaces could be made
             available on site as soon as possible.

364/00     New garage fronting Gunnell Close. In view of concerns expressed by
           neighbouring residents about a new garage being built in the rear
           garden of 11 Willow Crescent the clerk had contacted the planning
           officer. RTS reported that according to the planning officer the
           garage was within permitted development if moved back from the road
           by 18 inches and therefore would not need permission.  In its
           present position, however, (in front of the building line) permission
           would have to be sought.

           This issue raised concerns about the protection of old walls - for
           discussion at September meeting.

The meeting ended at 8.30pm.