Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting
       held on Monday 22 May 2000 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RJ Farrington (chair)   R Day   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           PK Oldham   P Mynott
           The clerk SJ Daniels

       1   Apologies for absence  JE Coston   HM Smith   RLE Waters

259/00 2   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 26 April 2000 were approved and
           signed as a true record.

       3   Decisions Received - none

       4   New Applications
260/00     S/0749/00 Mr & Mrs B Pearson - RTS has asked for a site visit from
(243/00)   SCDC planning committee before making a decision.
261/00     S/0825/00 L Thipthorpe 1&2 The Cottages Chesterton Fen Road -
           erection of 2 warehouse units (use class B8) following demolition of
           cottages and outbuilding (renewal of time limited permission
           S/0039/95) - no recommendations.
262/00     S/0838/00 Napp Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd Unit 191 Science Park -
           gardeners store/workshop building (single storey sectional building)
            - no recommendations.
263/00     S/0843/00 Cambridge Regional College - use of part of existing
           overflow car park as overnight coach park - no recommendations.
264/00     S/0862/00 Tesco Stores Ltd - extensions to store including
           alterations to provide new main entrance together with revised
           storage/loading facilities.  Relocation of recycling centre and
           bus stop - no recommendation.
           - Committee felt that Tesco should provide
           - A visibility splay for pedestrians/cyclists at the access from
             Cambridge Road, and
           - A pedestrian access at the main vehicular entrance.
           - Committee noted a reduction in car parking and left this matter
             to the Planning Officers' professional view.
           - Committee was unhappy with the new staff location as it could
             encourage staff displaced from the staff car park to park in The
             Rowans. In addition customers could also be tempted to park in
             The Rowans.

265/00 5   Correspondence
           Noted that the new owners of 24 High Street intended renovating and
           living in the house.

The meeting ended at 8.15pm.