Minutes of the Meeting of the Planning Committee
       held on Monday 21 February 2000 at 7pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RLE Waters (chair)   R Day   HM Smith   RT Summerfield
           LC Twinn   PK Oldham   the clerk SJ Daniels
           Two members of the public (part)

       1   Apologies for absence RJ Farrington

85/00  2   Minutes
           The Minutes of the meeting of 22 November 1999 were approved and
           signed as a true record.

       3   Matter Arising
86/00      Donarbon Ltd Ely Road Waterbeach - Centre for recycling encompassing
(539/99)   recycling of wastes and aggregates, treatment of household waste,
           composting of waste, extraction of clay, sand & gravel, landfill of
           remaining waste, restoration of land to agriculture with nature
           conservation, tree and hedge planting.
           No objection in principle by SCDC.
           Further information received to supplement the Environmental

       4   Decisions Received
87/00      Milton Parish Council - footpath - approved. Details of materials
(64/00)    to be used to be approved in writing by Local Planning Authority
           (LPA). The clerk to ask S Ward to confirm with LPA Council's
           request for a tarmac path.
           Noted that the County Council had agreed to meet the cost of the
           path link in Recreation Close.
           A meeting between Ed Thornton, Parrott the builders and MPC to be

       5   New Applications
88/00      S/1773/99 JF Lindsay house and garage adjacent 17 High Street -
(20/00)    revised details - for information only.

89/00      S/0218/00 Mr and Mrs Cortis 9 Butcher Close - extension.  No

90/00      S/0239/00 Mr Mansfield 88 The Rowans - extension. No recommendation.
           Comments: Quite a large extension particularly at first floor level;
           concern about effect to number 90; master bedroom windows fairly
           close to number 90.

91/00      S/0240/00 Rector and PCC of All Saints' Church - car park. Refuse
           unless the following amendments/considerations made:
           1. Council would prefer not to see a tarmac surface but a type of
              "grasscrete" to preserve the appearance of what is a conservation
           2. There should be no pruning of the yew tree, as this would spoil
              the balance of the tree. To prevent this tree being damaged the
              car parking space at the eastern end should therefore be removed
              from the proposal. In addition this car parking space should be
              removed because of the possible danger to vehicles leaving the
              space next to a sharp bend in the driveway to the hospice.
           3. Any other tree pruning/removal should be done only with the
              consent of the SCDC Trees' Officer.
           4. We question the removal of the street lamp to a position nearer
              the entrance as in its present position it  would highlight the
              car parking area as well as providing some safety for persons
              using this road.
           5. We question the reasons for removing the speed hump (to the east
              of the proposed car park - not shown on plan) as apparently the
              speed of vehicles leaving the hospice has increased since its
              removal and would suggest that it is reinstated.

92/00      C/11/40/72 Mrs Barclay Lock keeper's house Baits Bite Lock - removal
           of Scots Pine (Fen Ditton Conservation Area) because of root damage.
           No comments.

93/00  6   Public Entertainments Licences
           AGREED to renewal of Lion and Lamb and Napp Sports and Social Club
                  public entertainments licences subject to no alteration in
                  the conditions.

The meeting ended at 7.50pm.