Minutes of the Planning Meeting
held on Monday 18th October 1999 at 7:00pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RJ Farrington (chair)   R Day   JM Palmer   HM Smith
           RT Summerfield   LC Twinn   RLE Waters   SJ Daniels
           In attendance J Richards Cycling Officer Cambs County Council
           for item 3

       1   Apologies for absence  JE Coston

455/99 2   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 20 September 1999 were approved
           and signed as a true record.  RTS informed committee that D Rush
           SCDC who was dealing with the Napp application (min 407/99) had
           no knowledge of a financial contribution towards the foot/cycle

(207/99)   Appeal  Mr A Webb Camside Farm Chesterton Fen Road
           Noted that Mr Webb had appealed against an enforcement notice
           served by SCDC alleging change in use of land without permission
           to (close to road frontage) siting of two mobile homes and
           (close to river) from agriculture and paddock to mixed use
           of agriculture and paddock and general dealer's yard.
           The clerk:  to support SCDC's stance.

456/99 3   Cycle Scheme
(37/99)    A consensus scheme had now been agreed with the various consultees.
           The final drawing was now set for formal advertisement and
           consultation.  JR explained in detail the complete scheme.  He
           intended to put the scheme to the Area Joint meeting in December
           with the expectation that work would start by the end of the
           financial year.
           Committee proposed that a 30 minute parking restriction be imposed
           outside the shops in High Street.
           MPC would be formally consulted.
           Thanks to JR.

       4   Decisions Received

457/99     Mr P Carr  Unit 123 Science Park - change of use to Health
(354/99)   Centre/Dental Practice (D1) - refused. Science Park properties
           are restricted to following uses:
           1)  scientific research
           2)  light industrial production which is dependent on regular
               consultation with:
               a)  their tenants' own research development and design staff
                   established in the Cambridge Study Area
               b)  the staff and facilities of the University or of local
                   scientific institutions.
           3)  ancillary buildings and works appropriate to the use of a
               Science Park.
           The proposed health centre would be not appropriate or essential
           and constant visits by patients would be detrimental to the working
           environment of immediate neighbours.

458/99     Mr & Mrs Levitt 311 The Rowans - extension - approved.

459/99     Trinity College (CSP) Ltd - link road at Science Park - approved.
(392/99)   Details of surface water drainage and landscaping to be approved.

       6   New Applications

460/99     S/0141/99 Origin UK Ltd Science Park - revised position of
(119/99)   condensers - for information only.

461/99     S/1558/99 R & L Cave,  Cave Industrial Estate - warehouse unit
           and office above.
           AGREED to give delegated powers to RLEW,  RJF and the clerk.

462/99     S/1559/99 Napp Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd Unit 191 Science
           Park - 2 external air handling units,  underground water tank,
           2 flue stacks - approved.

463/99     S/1584/99 Milton Parish Council construction of footpath Coles
           Road Recreation Ground - approved.

464/99     S/1609/99 Mrs J Matthews 40 Butt Lane - addition of pitched
           roof to bungalow and garage - approved.

465/99     Mr M Molloy 83 Coles Road - two storey side extension an single
           storey front extension - approved.

466/99 7   Siting of ntl Cabinets
(409/99)   The conservation department of SCDC had objected to the proposed
           siting adjacent 12 Fen Road.
           Delegated Powers to RJF and the clerk to resolve.

The meeting ended at 8.10pm.