Minutes of the Planning Meeting
held on Monday 20th September 1999 at 7:00pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RJ Farrington (chair)   JE Coston   R Day   HM Smith
           LC Twinn   RLE Waters   PK Oldham (part)
           the clerk SJ Daniels

       1   Apologies for absence  JM Palmer   RT  Summerfield

407/99 2   Application by Napp S/1022/99/0
(349//99)  M Healey Personnel Director Napp, K Wood Planning Consultant
           and H Walker Traffic Consultant gave a presentation.
           Napp had developed 11 acres and intended developing another 17
           acres in phases by 2020 - about 350,000 sq' additional floorspace
           and 1200 car parking spaces.
           Napp were committed to reduce their employees' dependence on the
           private car for travel to work and supported alternative schemes
           of travel. At present approx 70% of Science Park employees travelled
           by car.  It was hoped that this could be reduced by 10%.  Bus
           services to the Science Park and facilities (e.g. dentist) within
           the park were being improved.  Improvements to assist free flow of
           traffic into the park were being looked at - an underpass would not
           be allowed in the current climate.
           Napp were making a significant contribution to the foot/cycle bridge
           over the A14.
           Widening of the A14 had been officially dropped by the Highways
           Agency. The A14, if widened, would be unlikely to use any of
           Napp's land.
           Napp researched mainly into pain control and anti-cancer drugs.
           Their working practices and possible impact on the environment were
           governed by the "Medicine Control Agency".
           25% of the workforce that qualify for company cars had taken the
           cash for car allowance.
           Although not working flexi-time Napp would consider this.
           A debate between Trinity College and the county Council about
           bus/cycle links to Kings Hedges/Arbury was on-going.

408/99 3   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of  26 July 1999 were approved and
           signed as a true record.

409/99 4   Proposed siting of ntl telephone cabinets Coles Road near war
           memorial Ntl had proposed siting two cabinets adjacent to the
           Parish Council notice board.
           AGREED  to suggest the cabinets be sited on the opposite verge in
                   Coles Road.
           Noted that both sites were in the Conservation Area.

       5   Decisions Received
410/99     Mr & Mrs Williamson 78 Butt Lane - conservatory - approved.

411/99     Mr F Ospina 8 Lyndhurst Close - extension - approved.

       6   New Applications
412/99     S/1428/99 PG Shenton Maple Cottage Veterinary Surgery 26
           Cambridge Road - extensions to surgery and living accommodation.
           Existing use to continue. No objection in principle so long as
           conditions applicable to original application were maintained.

413/99     S/1447/99 CG Dennison 82 The Sycamores - conservatory - approve.

The meeting ended at 8.30pm.