Minutes of the Planning Meeting held on Monday 26th July 1999 at 7:30pm in the Community Centre Present: RJ Farrington (chair) JM Palmer RT Summerfield LC Twinn PK Oldham the clerk SJ Daniels and one member of the public (part) 1 Apologies for absence JE Coston R Day RLE Waters 339/99 2 Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 23 June 1999 were approved and signed as a true record. 3 Decisions Received 340/99 Trinity Hall Kings Hedges Road - variation of condition 8 of (40/99) permission S/1359/98/O to allow 20% of the plot to be developed for building footprint as opposed to building floorspace - approved. 341/99 S/0085/99 College of West Anglia - agricultural and agricultural (232/99) machinery buildings for educational use together with parking and tractor driving practice area at Ely Road - approved. Subject to landscaping scheme, pollution control scheme including foul and surface water drainage and details of external materials for the buildings (proposed external materials excluded from this consent); revised junction improvements with Ely Road to be completed prior to any building works. Noted (memo from County Council) that MPC should make representation direct to County Council Traffic Section for any traffic calming. The College could not reasonably be expected to fund traffic calming given the scale of the development. 342/99 S/0086/99 College of West Anglia - erection of stockman's (232/99) bungalow at Ely Road - approved. Subject to landscaping scheme; details of external materials to be approved; bungalow to be occupied by full-time employee of The College only; provision to be made on site for parking of two cars. 343/99 AD Brooks Unit 111 Norman Industrial Estate - change of use to (262/99) brewery - approved. Area marked "shaded area for parking/loading" to be laid out with and surfaced with durable material prior to use; premises not to be used for motor vehicles maintenance and/or repairs. 344/99 J Douglas 22 The Rowans - extensions - approved. Colour of stain (264/99) for boarding to be approved; cedar red excluded from this permission. 345/99 Mr Milne 23 Fen Road - conservatory - approved. Noted that (265/99) according to SCDC Planning Department this was not in Conservation Area. The clerk: to query this. 346/99 BJ Leonard 35 Fen Road - extension - noted that the officers (282/99) were recommending approval. 347/99 G McQueenie 1 Froment Way - extension - refused. (283/99) Would increase bulk, mass and overall height in close proximity to 2, 4 & 6 Ballard Way to the east. The built form would appear oppressive and dominate outlook from houses and gardens of 2 and 4 Ballard Way. Rear first floor window would overlook gardens of 4 and 6 Ballard Way resulting in loss of privacy. 4 New Applications 348/99 S/0532/99 Trinity College 2 storey office building units 334 & 335 (317/99) Science Park amended car parking - for information. 349/99 S/1022/99/0 Napp Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd Science Park - outline application for 32680m2 B1 floorspace together with car parking and access from Milton Road. Disappointed that the representatives of Napp did not attend planning meeting to explain the application as agreed. Concerned about the implications for increased traffic in Milton Road and believe that improvements to the access should be made before any building commences. Shall support the South Cambs District Council's Planning Officers' recommendations 350/99 S/1042/99 Mr & Mrs Butterfill 21 Butt Lane - single storey side extension - approve. 351/99 S/1044/99 Mr Tyrell 23 David Bull Way - extension - approve. 352/99 S/1048/99 Mr & Mrs Pearson 50 Butt Lane - conversion of garage in to study - no recommendation. 353/99 S/1054/99 Mr & Mrs M Saunders 6 Knights Way - extension - no recommendation. 354/99 S/1098/99 Mr P Carr Unit 123 Science Park - change of use to health centre/dental practice - no recommendation. 355/99 S/1115/99 Mr & Mrs Wakley-Trick 22 Shirley Close - extension - no recommendation. 356/99 S/1135/99/RM Thomas-Smith Dev Ltd - land off Faulkner Close - erection of two 4 bedroom detached bungalows - refuse: Over development of the site; buildings are too large for this site. The bungalow at the southern end is too close to the properties in The Sycamores. It is inappropriate for patio doors/windows to overlook and be overlooked by 13 Faulkner Close. If the planning authority is mindful to approve this application then a condition should be imposed that the 4'6" fence running alongside 13 Faulkner Close be increased to 6' at the developer's expense. A landscaping scheme should be submitted to and approved by the SCDC Trees Officer. We would recommend no large trees in the close proximity of 13 Faulkner Close. The location of the footprint of the properties as shown on the outline application would be more appropriate. 357/99 5 Report of meeting with Pi Research - access off Ely Road Pi Research were concerned that opening up the Ely Road frontage would increase the security risk. The timescale for outstanding work was under review. A revised application with more secure entrance would probably be submitted in September/October. 358/99 6 Major shopping development in central Cambridge AGREED the following comments to Cambridge City Council: MPC supports the principle of a major shopping centre on the city centre site as proposed rather than development in the Northern fringe. It was questioned whether a car park that would continue to attract cars into the centre should be rebuilt. 359/99 7 Footpath from Barnabas Court to car park at Community Centre AGREED to ask Simon Ward SCDC to submit application for footpath - cost for building the part from Barnabas Court to bowls pavilion to be met by Parrott (builders). The meeting ended at 8.45pm.