Minutes of the Planning Meeting
held on Wednesday 23rd June 1999 at 8:00pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RJ Farrington (chair)   R Day   HM Smith   LC Twinn
           the clerk SJ Daniels and one member of the public

       1   Apologies for absence  JE Coston   RT Summerfield   RLE Waters

277/99 2   Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 24 May 1999 were approved and signed
           as a true record.

       3  Decisions Received

278/99     College of West Anglia (min 232/99 also refers)
(67/99)    S/0081/99 Landbeach Road - refurbishment, extension and alterations
           to existing workshop - approved. Scheme of pollution control to be
           S/0082/99 Landbeach Road - relocation of existing horticultural
           buildings - approved.  No organised retail sales from either of
           these buildings.
           S/0083/99 Landbeach Road - removal of temporary structures and
           erection of new single storey teaching block - approved.
           Various conditions:  Details of materials for external walls and
           roofs, and hard surfaced areas, including car parking, and
           landscaping scheme to be approved.  Car parking areas to be used
           for parking of vehicles only.
           S/0084/99 Landbeach Road - residential development - refused.
           Contrary to Policy H5 of South Cambs Plan (1993) and Policy SE13
           of the Deposit Plan (1999) - the site is outside the village
           framework of the built-up area of the village.
           S/0087/99  Landbeach Road - relocation of existing equine stabling
           - approved.

279/99     Mrs L Gaskin Lomas Farm Chesterton Fen Road - 3 caravans for 3
           gypsy families (185/99) (retrospective application) refused.
           Contrary to various policies.

280/99     Mr & Mrs Thomas - bungalow r/o 8-10 Cambridge Road - no
           objections to (256/99) amendments.

281/99     Mr & Mrs Curtis 9 Butcher Close - extension.  Noted that the
           Planning Officers were recommending refusal.

       4   New Applications
282/99     S/0883/99 BJ Leonard 35 Fen Road - extension.
           Refuse - over development of the site bringing the building
           close to Goding Way.

283/99     S/0927/99 G McQueenie 1 Froment Way - extension.
           Refuse: 1  Over development of the site.
                   2  Obtrusive walls.
                   3  Close proximity to neighbours.
           Committee supported neighbours' comments.

284/99 5   Public Entertainment
           Noted that an event was due to be held at the Waggon & Horses on
           2 July.

The meeting ended at 8.33pm.