Minutes of the Planning Meeting held on Monday 24th May 1999 at 8:00pm in the Community Centre Present: RJ Farrington (chair) JE Coston R Day RT Summerfield LC Twinn PK Oldham the clerk SJ Daniels 1 Apologies for absence HM Smith RLE Waters 227/99 2 Election of Chairman RJF was unanimously elected chairman. 228/99 3 Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 26 April 1999 were approved and signed as a true record. 4 Decisions Received 229/99 Punch Farm Landbeach - stables and barn - approved. (126/99) Noted that Landbeach Parish Council had approved this application. 230/99 East Anglia Children's Hospice - the Planning Committee SCDC (95/99) were due to discuss this application at its June meeting and were mindful to approve. RTS to confirm MPC's concerns about the loss of the lawn in front of a listed building in a conservation area and local residents' concerns about parking. 5 New Applications 231/99 S/0027/99 Mr & Mrs Thomas r/o 8-10 Cambridge Road - amendment (114/99) to bungalow. Increase in main ridge height and resiting of bungalow - no recommendation. 232/99 S/0084-86/99 College of West Anglia - amendment to bungalow (67/99) and complex off Ely Road and rearrangement of access at proposed development of 8 dwellings. S/0084/99 new dwellings - no recommendation. S/0085 & 86/99 stockman's bungalow and agricultural machinery building off Ely Road. Comments: College should be asked for a contribution towards a 'pinch point' north of the Ely Road entrance, especially as slow moving farm machinery would be crossing a fast road. (See minute 236/99 - Highway).