Minutes of the Planning Meeting
held on Monday 26th April 1999 at 7:15pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RJ Farrington (chair)   HM Smith   RT Summerfield   LC Twinn
           RLE Waters   PK Oldham   J Sandford (part)
           the clerk SJ Daniels

       1.  Apologies for absence  JE Coston   R Day

174/99 2.  Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 22 March 1999 were approved and
           signed as a true record.

       3.  Decisions Received:
175/99     Appeal by F Smith Lomas Farm Chesterton Fen Road against
           enforcement notice (394/98) and refusal of planning permission
           for siting of mobile home and five caravans - dismissed.
           A compliance period of twelve months given to Mr Smith.

176/99     Mr & Mrs Barry 18 Church Lane - extension - approved.

177/99     Eastern Electricity - change of use of store to training
(96/99)    school - approved.

178/99     Wheel Fit Chesterton Fen Road - use of premises to include
           motor cycle MOT (97/99) - approved.

179/99     Cherry Close Freehold Ltd - replacement garage block - approved.

       4.  New Applications
180/99     Mr & Mrs Coston 67 Coles Road - replacement conservatory
(566/98)   and workshop - amendment - approved under delegated powers.

181/99     S/0504/99 The College of West Anglia - 2 floodlights - no

182/99     S/0505/99/A The College of West Anglia - college directional
           signs - no recommendation.

183/99     S/0532/99 Trinity College - units 334 and 335 Science Park
           - 2 storey office building for Cambridge Consultants - no

184/99     S/0565/99 D Edwards 12 Fen Road - extension - no recommendation.

185/88     S/0567/99 Mrs L Gaskin Lomas Farm Chesterton Fen Road - siting
           of three caravans to accommodate gypsy families (retrospective
           application) - refused.  No different from previous application;
           South Cambs Local Plan Policies for Chesterton Fen supported.

186/99     S/0572 A Gentle 19 Shirley Close - ground floor extension -
           no recommendation.

187/99     S/0576/99 Trinity Hall - land at King's Hedges - variation of
           condition 8 of outline permission S/1359/98 to allow 20% of the
           building plot to be developed for building footprint - no

The meeting ended at 7.45pm.