Minutes of the Planning Meeting held on Monday 22nd March 1999 at 7:30pm in the Community Centre Present: RJ Farrington (chair) JE Coston R Day J Shaw HM Smith RT Summerfield LC Twinn and the clerk SJ Daniels 1. Apologies for absence RLE Waters 112/99 2. Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 8 February 1999 were approved and signed as a true record. 3. Decisions Received: 113/99 Cambridge Regional College changing rooms and floodlit multi use (597/98) games area - approved. Scheme to prevent light spillage to be approved. 114/99 Mr & Mrs T Thomas R/O 8 - 10 Cambridge Road - bungalow - (33/99) approved. Permanent space to be reserved for turning and parking; details of materials to be used for external walls and roof and finished floor levels in relation to ground levels to be approved; a vehicular to pedestrian visibility splay to be constructed; no windows, doors or openings to be inserted in south east elevations unless authorised by planning permission granted on that behalf. 115/99 Huelens Properties - Land adjacent McDougall & Co - erection of (51/99) warehouse - refused. Loss of car parking space for adjoining warehouse. Insufficient car parking to meet requirements of South Cambs Draft Deposit Local Plan 1999. 116/99 Mr Wu 4 Willow Crescent - 2 bow windows - approved. (53/99) Permission not needed for present level of office use. 117/99 White Horse - extension, porch, patio and extension to car park - (65 & 66/99) approved. Materials of car park surface and lamp posts/bollards to be agreed. 118/99 D Manning 60 Fen Road- extension - approved. (68/99) 119/99 Origin UK Ltd Science Park external air conditioning condensers - (69/99) approved. Amendment showing additional air conditioning unit received - for information. 120/99 Tesco Stores - Special Needs car parking signs - approved. (70/99) 4. New Applications 121/99 S/2140/98 Trinity Centre Science Park - Social, Recreational & (32/99) Conference Centre and change of use of existing centre to fitness club - amendment had little effect on original comments [delegated powers]. Noted that a condition restricting use to Science park would be imposed. 122/99 S/0191/99 Mr and Mrs Barry 18 Church Lane - amendment - (94/99) reduction in depth of extension - approved. 123/99 S/0306/99 Tesco Stores - three covered trolley bays - approved. 124/99 C/11/40/72 P Seekings 41 High Street - reduction in height of pear tree and felling of ash tree in rear garden - no major objection; would support Trees' Officers' views. 125/99 S/0415/99 Century Inns - White Horse - signs. Concerned that the five floodlights could overspill into road including Butt Lane and properties opposite. 126/99 S/0419/99 Punch Farm Landbeach (off Mere Way) - paddock, stables and access road. Clerk: to ascertain views of Landbeach Parish Council. 127/99 5. Cambridge Road Industrial Estate Noted that after intervention by SCDC Enforcement Officer the illegal signs had been removed. Two names for the road were suggested - Park Way and Doggett. The clerk: to produce report for discussion at April meeting about overall tidiness of area, especially old A10. 128/99 6. Correspondence Public Entertainments Licence: Milton Community Centre, Milton Primary School, Cambridge Regional College, Napp Sports & Social Club. No objections. The meeting ended at 7.35pm.