Minutes of the Planning Meeting
       held on Monday 8th February 1999 at 7:30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   RJ Farrington (Chair)   JE Coston   R Day   J Shaw
           RT Summerfield   RLE Waters
           and the clerk SJ Daniels.
           In attendance SJ Snaith
           14 members of the public and Bill Collinson Head of Faculty,
           College of West Anglia.

       1.  Apologies for Absence: HM Smith   LC Twinn

64/99  2.  Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 18 January 1999 were confirmed and
           signed as a true record.

       3.  Decisions Received - none.

       4.  New Applications
65/99      S/1999/98/LB Century Inns Plc White Horse Public House - various
(598/98)   amendments to car park,  bottle store/toilet extension reduced,
           approved cellar extension added, porch and patio wall removed
           and yorkstone paving with brick edge.
           Committee were pleased to see the amendments as proposed but
           concerned that the brick edge should be flush with the footpath
           (for safety reasons).  Four lamps out of keeping.

66/99      S/2000/98 Century Inns Plc White Horse Public House - various
(599/98)   amendments.  Comments as above.

67/99      The College of West Anglia:
           Bill Collinson explained the reasoning behind the proposals and
           answered questions.  Concerns from local residents included:-
             Traffic dangers in Landbeach Road especially at access points.
             Provision of footpath from the bus stop to "Farm College"
             entrance in Landbeach Road.
             Parking and volume of traffic.
             Possible further development.

           S/0081/99  Landbeach Road - refurbishment, extension and
                      alterations to existing workshop
           S/0082/99  Landbeach Road - relocation of existing horticultural
           S/0083/99  Landbeach Road - removal of temporary structures and
                      erection of new single storey teaching block
           S/0084/99  Landbeach Road - residential development
           S/0085/99  Ely Road - agricultural and agricultural machinery
                      buildings for educational use
           S/0086/99  Ely Road - new bungalow in connection with new
                      agriculture and agricultural machinery buildings for
                      educational use
           S/0087/99  Landbeach Road - relocation of existing equine stabling.

           Comments:- (for S/0081 to S/0084 and S/0087;
                       S/0085 and S/0086 - no comments)

           A Section 106 agreement should be entered into with the developer
           in co-operation with the College of West Anglia specifically for
           the provision of a cycle/foot path from the main entrance in High
           Street along the boundary of the college as far as the "old"
           disused Landbeach Road so that this could link up with any future
           cycle/foot path to Landbeach and beyond.
           The joint arrangements between the college and the County Council
           for access by the local community to the college's Information
           Technology Centre welcomed.
           Concerned that the car parking - together with disabled parking -
           is sufficient.
           Concerned about the potential hazards caused by the position of
           the access to the proposed residential development on the bend
           in Landbeach Road and in close proximity to the bus stop.
           (This comment applies to S/0084 only).
           Section 5.8 page 15 of the Strategic Development Plan concerning
           the proposal for a Section 106 Agreement to prevent further
           residential development should be taken up.

           Thanks to Bill Collinson and members of the public.

68/99      S/0128/99 D Manning 60 Fen Road - kitchen extension. No comments.

69/99      S/0141/99 Origin UK Ltd Science Park - externally fixed air
           condition condensers. No comments.

70/99      S/0164/99/A Tesco Stores Ltd - special needs car parking signs.
           No objections.

Meeting ended at 8.45pm.