Minutes of the Planning Meeting
       held on Monday 18 January 1999 at 8:30pm in the Bowls Pavilion

Present:   RJ Farrington (chair)   JE Coston (till 27/99 inc)
           R Day J Shaw   HM Smith RT Summerfield   LC Twinn   RLE Waters
           and the clerk SJ Daniels
           In attendance PK Oldham J Sandford

       1.  Apologies for absence - none

27/99  2.  Hospice
           Mr Graham Collins chief executive at the Hospice attended to
           give a summary of the proposals to upgrade the kitchen and
           develop an education and training facility.
           As the concept for palliative care was changing the need for
           training was greater. He did not envisage any further
           expansion of the site.
           Concerns of committee:
             height of extensions
             style of building especially at it was in a conservation area
             increase in traffic in Church Lane and possible parking problems
             preservation of trees.

           An application would be submitted in the near future.

28/99  3.  Minutes
           The minutes of the meeting of 21 December 1998 were confirmed
           and signed as a true record.

       4.  Decisions Received:
29/99      Christian Blind Mission Winship Road -
(567/98)   change of use from B8 to B1 - approved.

30/99      D Edwards 12 Fen Road - extension approved.

       5.  New Applications:

31/99      S/2139/98 Napp Pharmaceuticals Ltd with Trinity College (CSP)
           and Aula Ltd - Unit 400 Science Park (Phase 6) - building for
           research/development with supporting offices.
           No comments.

32/99      S/2140/98 Trinity College - Science Park - Social, recreational
           and conference centre and change of existing conference centre
           to fitness club.
           Concerned that this proposal:
           is an over development of the site, of an existing open
           landscaped area; would result in increased traffic;
           would not have sufficient car parking capacity for the size of
           the conference centre and that trees may be lost.

33/99      S/0027/99 Mr & Mrs T Thomas land to rear of 8 - 10
           Cambridge Road - 4 bedroom bungalow and detached garage.
           No comments.

The meeting ended at 9.25pm