Minutes of the Planning Meeting held on Monday 23 November 1998 at 7pm in the Community Centre Present: RJ Farrington (chair) R Day J Shaw RT Summerfield LC Twinn and the clerk SJ Daniels. 1. Apologies for absence JE Coston HM Smith RLE Waters 540/98 2. Minutes Minutes of the meeting of 19 October 1998 were confirmed and signed as a true record. 3. Decisions Received 541/98 Trinity College - security fence at Science Park approved. (441/98) No development to commence until:- completion of link road (ref S/1402/98/F) together with related cycle path; details of pedestrian/cycle gate in fence opposite Garry Drive are approved; precise details of position of fence is agreed. 542/98 Haylock & Rolph Winship Road - installation of windows approved. (485/98) Details of rear boundary treatment to be approved (to protect privacy of future occupiers of residential area). 543/98 Napp Pharmaceuticals Unit 400 Phase 6 Science Park - (487/98) research/development building and car parking refused. Contrary to Policy CNF5 of The Adopted South Cambs Local Plan (1993) - all development to be of a high standard of design within a well landscaped parkland setting. Contrary to condition 7 of the outline consent (S/1086/94/0) which defines ratio of buildings to landscaping etc. 544/98 Mr and Mrs A Cassidy 49 Butt Lane conversion of garage into (488/98) room - approved. Permanent space on site for parking to be provided. 545/98 Eastern Electricity - temporary office accommodation - (520/98) no objections to amendments [permission granted November 1998]. 546/98 St John's Innovation Park - erection of building [class (521/98) B1 (B)] for research and development - no objections to amendments [permission granted March 1998]. 4. New Applications 547/98 S/1537/98 Day Nursery at Science Park - withdrawn. (442/98) 548/98 S/1800/98 A Carter 31 Fen Road - rear extension to enlarge kitchen. No comments. 543/98 S/1801/98 Napp Pharmaceuticals - temporary containers for storage of pharmaceutical raw material. Concerned that the buildings had already been erected. Too many temporary buildings on this site and would recommend that the Planning Committee make a site visit. Contrary to Policy CNF5 of the Adopted South Cambridgeshire Local Plan (1993). (Same comments apply to 545, 546 and 547/98 below). 544/98 S/1819/98 Bridehall Developments Ltd - St John's Innovation Park - construction of new building 3289 sq m for research and development/office use served by 110 parking spaces together with replacement for 38 vehicles. Concerned at 38 car parking spaces being sited on a landscaped grassed area and erosion of the 12.5% ratio of buildings to open space. The building being too close to Cowley Road would jeopardise the proposed foot/cycle bridge over the A14. (Reference: WS Atkins Highways Agency Feasibility Study for the A14 Milton cycle crossing). A contribution towards the cycle bridge should be incorporated in a Section 106 Agreement. 545/98 S/1855/98 Napp Pharmaceuticals - temporary site cabins for consultants working on refurbishment to production areas. (See 543/98) 546/98 S/1856/98 Napp Pharmaceuticals - temporary site cabins for offices data entry clerks for new computer system. (See 543/98) 547/98 S/1894/98 Napp Pharmaceuticals chiller compound and units - unit 191 Science Park. (See 543/98) Chiller compound would take up more open space. 548/98 C/11/17/72/10 D Goodin 1 High Street - tree surgery (TPO). Concerned that the shape of the trees would be spoilt. Would support Trees Officer's advice. 549/98 5. To consider name for Caravan Park r/o 49 Cambridge Road (489/98) "Gaskin's Caravan Park 49a Cambridge Road" was suggested. Comments to be forwarded to SCDC. The meeting ended at 7.40pm.