Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council
           held on Monday 1 September 2003 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

Present:   PK Oldham (chair)   HM Smith   EH Baker   RH Chapman   JE Coston
           IR Cowley   R Day   M Ellwood   RJ Farrington    B Jefferson
           IF May   LC Twinn   RLE Waters (from min 327/03)
           The clerk  SJ Daniels + 3 members of the public (part)  

       1   Apologies for absence - CJ Lock   RT Summerfield
           RLE Waters (for lateness)
303/03 2   Declarations of Interest   - ME declared an interest for min 327
           and 328/03, RJF and LCT for minute 329/03.

       3   Minutes - the minutes of the meeting of 7 July 03 were approved
           and signed.
       4   Clerk's Report  
304/03     The plaques had been installed. Money received from Brian Cox and
(267/03)   Monica Dunlop.
305/03     Rowing Trust  
(271/03)   According to the Charity Commission "on the basis of the 
           information provided, ...the resolution was passed correctly".

306/03     Recycling Centre
(296/03)   Noted that the County Council were monitoring the traffic problems
           and were looking at different ways of managing the traffic.

307/03     Tesco Fence
(297/03)   Noted that Tesco had put in the fence. 

308/03     Flies 
           Residents of Froment Way had complained to the EHO about the number
           of flies in that part of the village. RHC reported that the flies
           came from the chicken farm and that the landfill site fumigated as
           a matter of course.

309/03 5   Planning  
           Renewable Energy and the Planning System - pack received from

           Appeal Decision
310/03     Mr W O'Connor Chesterton Fen Road - against an enforcement notice 
(275/03)   alleging breach of planning control ie use of land as a caravan
           site for residential purposes - dismissed. 

311/03     Appeal
(282 &     Nelson O'Connor and others Sandy Park Chesterton Fen Road against
283/03)    refusal of pp for: 
           1. transit site for gypsies and construction of access road and
           2. siting of gypsy caravans on various plots. 

           Decisions Received 
312/03     Mr & Mrs D Parkins Meadow Farm Ely Road - extensions to dwelling
(134/03)   and double garage (including amendments submitted 8 July 03) - 
           approved. Details of materials for external walls to be approved.

313/03     Napp Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd Science Park - extension to
(207/03)   warehouse - approved. Landscaping scheme and details of materials
           for external walls and roof to be approved. 

314/03     Mr & Mrs A Hanson 24 High Street - amendment to previously approved
(286/03)   scheme (revised length of kitchen) accepted.

315/03     D Miller 48 Butt Lane - vehicular access - approved. Existing hedge
(287/03)   on boundary to public footpath to be reduced to a height of 600mm
           for a distance of 2 metres from the edge of the footway.

316/03     Mr J Lindsay 17A High Street - extension - refused. In close
(288/03)   proximity to the boundary of the Lion & Lamb Public House, a
           Grade II Listed Building and would form a visually dominant
           building detracting from the appearance and setting of the listed
           building. Therefore contrary to Policies C24 of the Approved Local
           Plan (1993) and EN41 of the Deposit Draft Proposed Modifications

317/03     Cambs County Council - Milton Primary School - single storey
(289/03)   pitched roof extension to form a new group room; 3 additional
           parking spaces accessed from Butt Lane - approved. Details of
           materials for construction of external surfaces to be approved.
           Conditions of construction to be approved in order to protect
           residents from inconvenience.

318/03     Mr & Mrs Henderson 28 The Rowans - second storey extension -
(290/03)   refused. Contrary to Structure Plan Policy SP12/10 and Local Plan
           No 2: Proposed Modifications Policy HG17 - a first floor extension
           would block what little light gets to the rear garden of number 30
           thus reducing the amenities of the residents of this property.

319/03     GJ & JM Wicks 28 Old School Lane - 2 metre high boundary fence -
(291/03)   approved. Landscaping scheme to be approved.
           New Applications 
320/03     S/0815/03 Q.ton Ltd Unit 24 Science Park - extension to provide
(204/03)   100 bedroom hotel, health / fitness centre and additional
           conference facilities after demolition of existing health and
           squash club buildings - amendment: reduction in conference floor
           space and re-arrangement of parking. Comments as before. Noted that
           this application had been approved by the SCDC Planning Committee.
321/03     S/1439/03 AE Biggs Cambridge Ltd land r/o 63 & 65 Cambridge Road -
           use of land as overspill car park for Bene't Garage - no
           recommendation. Subsequently approved. Use not to be carried out
           before 07.30 and after 18.00 weekdays (13.00 weekends). No stacking
           or storage of scrap cars.

322/03     S/1498/03 Cambridge Electronic Design Ltd Unit 4 Science Park -
           alterations to bin store to accommodate 2 air conditioning units -
           no recommendation. Subsequently approved.

323/03     S/1582/03 A Tierney Jolly Brewers - extensions/alterations - no

324/03     S/1611/03 Dr L Martin 8 The Elms - change of use to garden land
           (retrospective application) - no recommendation.

325/03     S/1629/03 Mr & Mrs Romeo-Smith 36 The Oaks - garage, bedrooms and
           bathroom - no recommendation. 

326/03     C/11/40/72 Pi Research Ely Road - prune back overhanging branch of
           horse chestnut - approve.

           The above applications had been dealt with under delegated powers.

327/03     S/1688/03 Camstead Ltd - land at Shirley Close - 2 houses and
           garage - refuse:
           Comments: (11 votes in favour one abstention)
           "Milton Parish Council objects strongly to this application on the 
            following grounds:
            - To allow this application would be a travesty of justice, making
              a mockery of the planning process. The applicant has had an
              application for eight houses refused, a refusal confirmed on
              appeal. Now they have already marked out for eight houses,
              before they even put in an amendment for eight, taking it for
              granted that this amendment will be passed by SCDC.
            - Little has changed from the application for eight houses that
              was dismissed by the Planning Inspector dated 5 March 02 ref
              APP/W0530/A/01/1072384. Having got permission for seven houses
              the developers are now attempting to return to eight houses. The
              inspector commented adversely on the cramped nature of the eight
              house plan and this application again makes the site more
              cramped with more people attempting to share this space.
            - Our grounds for objecting remain: it would constitute over-
              development of the site. We also question if there is sufficient
              parking for two 3 bedroom houses and their visitors? 
            - We have also been reminded that at the appeal our chairman
              pointed out that the village needed affordable housing and it
              has been suggested that this amendment would provide that. We do
              not consider three bedroom semi-detached houses as "affordable"
              in the current housing climate.
            We trust that this application will be put before the Development
            Control Committee."

328/03     S/1689/03 Camstead Ltd - land at Shirley Close - 2 houses and
           garage (duplicate application) - refuse (comments as above).

           ME left the room for item 326 and 327/03.

329/03     S/1737/03 Miss T Farrington 18 Willow Crescent - two storey side
           extension, single storey front extension, new tiled roof to rear
           extension - no recommendation.

330/03 6   Website - Copyright 
           A new copyright policy for the web site was agreed which allows
           non-commercial use of Council material on the site without getting
           explicit permission from the Council first..

331/03 7   Allotments - request from Edmund House 
           It was AGREED
           to vary the tenancy agreement conditions to allow Edmund House
           (part of Cambridge Mencap) to use two allotments and to sell

332/03 8   Minibus Update 
           The quarterly financial report was circulated. The number of
           hirings was increasing. Noted that the hiring fee was the same for
           those living outside and within the village.
333/03 9   Youth Building 
           A letter from CF Nunn, Projects Manager MCC expressed concern about
           the condition of the youth building. Noted that the "Kids'R'Us"
           after school club intended to use the building from 3 September. 
           Issues to be considered:
           - How much would it cost to bring the building "up to scratch"?
           - How quickly could another building be erected?
           - How safe is the building?
           The sports clubs had agreed that the sports pavilion could be used
           in an emergency.

           It was AGREED (12 in favour 1 abstention)
           to continue to use the building as planned;
           to set up a working group to report back to the October meting with
           a proposal for the youth building
           Action: HMS
           to arrange a safety inspection to ensure it was safe to continue to
           use until a new building could be erected.
           Action: MCC

334/03 10  MCC Update
           There had been some vandalism. The lounge floor was being sanded
           and resealed. If successful the main floor would be done.
           AGM set for 8 October.
           The problem of cars and motor cycles "racing" around the car park
           and on the recreation ground had not been resolved. PC Shulver was
           contacting parents. PKO and Village View to publicise.

335/03 11  Bills for Payment and Money Received 
           CONFIRMED payment of cheques 2596 to 2611
           AGREED payment of cheques 2613 to 2629 (cheques 2622 to 2624 void)
                  (11 in favour 2 abstentions)
           Noted that:
           - the County Council had had asked for £1934.40 (ch 2616) - MPC's
             share of the pinch point costs.
           - the fence had been repaired and moved back from the swings at
             The Rowans play area (ch 2619).
           - the photographic workshops for the youngsters had been a
             tremendous success (ch 2629). Two volunteers had given their
             time for two days. Thanks to EHB. 
           - Cheque 5 - minibus account (min 298/03) - void and replaced by
             cheque 7.
336/03 12  County Councillor's report
           Email - there were huge problems with the County Council system as
           a result of which JEC had lost many messages and was unable to
           reply to them.
           Crime - police newsletter and crime figures were circulated.
           Cycle Bridge - meeting set for 11 September 2pm - planting scheme
           to the Country Park on the agenda.
           Anti-Social Behaviour Count - the Home Office was asking that each
           village make a count of anti-social behaviour on Wednesday
           10 September. The clerk would reply that the survey was
           "unscientific, ill prepared and a waste of time". 
337/03 13  District Councillor's report
           No report

338/03 14  Correspondence 
            ACRE - Harvest Magazine Village of the Year 
            Competition Local Network Fund
            Macmillan cancer relief - Coffee Morning September 26
            ODPM - Consultation paper S101 LGA 2000
            "providing indemnities to relevant authority officers and members"
            SCDC - Name for new settlement "Northstowe"
            CALC - Bulletin etc and notice of AGM
            Parochial Fees included in the Bulletin
               [Cemetery fees are reviewed every 5 years].
            County Council - Community Safety Partnership update
            South Cambs NHS - Primary Care Trust Bulletin
            County Council - Parish Planting Scheme
            Postwatch - Conference details
            Defra - Rural services standards 2003
            Atkins - Roadworks information August to November

       15  Dates of Next Meetings
           Highways 15 September
           Maintenance 15 September
           Planning 22 September
           Council  6 October
The meeting ended at 9.17pm.