Minutes of the Meeting of Milton Parish Council held on Monday 7 July 2003 at 7.30pm in the Community Centre Present: PK Oldham (chair) HM Smith EH Baker RH Chapman JE Coston IR Cowley R Day M Ellwood B Jefferson CJ Lock IF May RT Summerfield LC Twinn RLE Waters The clerk SJ Daniels 1 Apologies for absence - RJ Farrington. 266/03 2 Declarations of Interest - there were no declarations of interest. 3 Minutes - the minutes of the meeting of 2 June 03 were approved and signed. 4 Clerk's Report 267/03 Seats (108/03) The seats were all in place. The clerk needed to resolve some issues with the residents who are sponsoring the seats. 268/03 Allotments Committee (187/03) Ian May was elected a member of the allotments committee. 269/03 Huntingdon to Cambridge Rapid Transport System (197/03) Council's response to the consultation: - Concerns about the effect on traffic on Milton Road - Possible impact on the Milton bus service - Lack of information and detail in the consultation document made it difficult to give an informed response. 270/03 Sewage Treatment Works (255/03) A letter from a resident was received thanking the PC for continuing to pursue AWA. Nearly 900 complaints had been received in response to the article in the Village View. Copies of this petition had gone to AWA, County Council, City Council, SCDC, MPC and the Environment Agency. 271/03 Rowing Trust The Rowing Trust had removed that Article of Association which gives the Parish Councils the right to attend sub committee meetings as observers. Waterbeach PC had sent an objection to the Charity Commission. AGREED that Milton PC should also object. Action: the clerk The Rowing Trust now had 97% of the land needed. The County Council officers handling the sale of County Council land were aware of Milton's concerns and hoped to safeguard public access for local villagers. The County Council cabinet would decide on the sale in September. There were likely to be significant changes to the Section 106 Agreement - MPC would be consulted. The RT would like to see the bridleway adjacent to the golf course turned into a one way traffic system for large events. Many issues were still be resolved. 5 Planning 272/03 Appeal - Mr & Mrs AE Dewey 49 Old School Lane - against refusal of (74/03) permission for a single storey rear extension, part two storey part single storey side extension - dismissed. Decisions Received 273/03 Napp Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd Science Park - variation of (118/03) condition 1 of pp S/1022/99/O to allow a further period of 3 years for the submission of reserved matters - approved. All details of reserved matters to be submitted for approval by 10 January 2006. 274/03 Mrs JA Rice 13 Fen Road - double garage - amendment - no (133/03) recommendation (delegated). Subsequently approved. 275/03 Mr W O'Connor 99 Pony Field Chesterton Fen Road - siting of one (160/03) mobile home and one touring caravan for single family occupation and grazing - refused. Contrary to various Policies in the Structure Plan 1995, the Approved South Cambs Local Plan 1993, South Cambs Local Plan No 2 (Proposed Modification 2002) and the Cambridge Green Belt Local Plan 1992. These Policies are designed to protect the rural character of the countryside. Buildings would be permitted only if essential to agriculture, etc. The site is at risk of flooding. Application therefore is contrary to Policies re flooding in the Structure and Local Plans. 276/03 Donarbon Ltd Ely Road Waterbeach - erection of building for (161/03) reception of material for composting - approved. Landscaping scheme to screen the north-west and scheme to protect the permitted building against the ingress/ignition of landfill gas to be approved. 277/03 Mr & Mrs Romeo-Smith 36 The Oaks - extension - refused. (202/03) Contrary to Policy SP12/10 of the Structure Plan and Policy HG17 of the Local Plan No 2 (Proposed Modifications). The extension would have a negative material effect on the neighbours' visual amenity with the building mass being unacceptably large. 278/03 Mr & Mrs S Campbell 54 Butt Lane - single storey addition to (203/03) utility room and garage front of building - approved. External materials to be identical to those used for existing building. 279/03 Mr & Mrs Corkin 58 The Rowans - conservatory - approved. (205/03) 280/03 Napp Pharmaceutical Holdings Ltd Science Park - sports and social (206/03) club building - approved. 281/03 Milton Parish Council - renewal of time limited permission S/0857/00 (208/03) - approved till 30 June 2006. 282/03 Nelson O'Connor - Sandy Park Chesterton Fen Road - transit site for (209/03) gypsies and construction of access road - refused. Details below. 283/03 Various applications for siting of gypsy caravans at Sandy Park (210/03)& Chesterton Fen Road [including retrospective application S/0938/03 (248/03) for 2 mobile homes for A Webb at Camside Farm]. Contrary to various Policies as below. This site is also at risk of flooding. Application therefore is contrary to Policies re flooding in the Structure and Local Plans. - all refused. Contrary to various Policies in the Structure Plan 1995, the Approved South Cambs Local Plan 1993, South Cambs Local Plan No 2 (Proposed Modification 2002) and the Cambridge Green Belt Local Plan 1992. These Policies are designed to protect the rural character of the countryside. Buildings would be permitted only if essential to agriculture, etc. 284/03 Cambridge Regional College - extension to form store - approved New Applications 285/03 C/11/40/72 Symbian Ltd Ely Road - removal of tree - approve. 286/03 S/2320/2000 Mr A Hanson 24 High Street - additional window in rear (131/03) elevation - for information only. 287/03 S/1154/03 D Miller 48 Butt Lane - vehicular access - approve. 288/03 S/1179/03 L Lindsay 17A High Street first floor extension above garage at side - no recommendation. 289/03 S/1216/03 Cambs County Council - Milton Primary School - single storey pitched roof extension to form a new group room; 3 additional parking spaces accessed from Butt Lane - no recommendation. 290/03 S/1241/03 Mr & Mrs Henderson 28 The Rowans - second storey extension - no recommendation. Noted that SCDC Development and Control Committee had refused permission by 12 votes to 7. The above applications were decided under delegated powers. 291/03 S/1251/03 GJ & JM Wicks 28 Old School Lane - 1.8 metre high boundary fence - refuse - out of character in a rural street scene. (7 votes for 7 abstentions). 292/03 C/11/40/72 Cambs County Council - horse chestnut tree adjacent to bus stop High Street - raising of crown to 5 metres over road and pruning back from adjacent property by 1 metre - approve. (5 votes for, 2 against and 7 abstentions). 293/03 C/11/17/72/8 Edmund House - tree surgery on two oak trees - approve. 294/03 6 Highways - the minutes of the meeting of 9 June were received and noted. 295/03 7 Minibus Update The minibus was being hired by a few organisations. 296/03 8 Landfill Liaison report Recent meeting - update: Planning permission was being sought to extend the working hours of the landfill site from 6am to 6pm possibly for 7 days a week. Concerns were expressed about the problems of traffic queuing on Butt Lane for the household waste recycling centre - as far back as to the traffic lights on occasions. The clerk would write to Chris Brown County Council about this problem. Action: the clerk Household waste would eventually be taken to Donarbon. Richard Bowen Environment Agency wished to be kept informed of sewage works complaints. 297/03 9 MCC Update Tesco were able to help support financially another piece of equipment for the skate park. There were concerns about the lack of security at MYC building - new lock was needed on the door. PKO would ask MCC to arrange immediate repairs. Action: PKO The fence between Tesco and the recreation ground had still not been replaced Trolleys were causing a nuisance both on the recreation grounds and in the village. The clerk would contact Tesco about both of these issues. Action: the clerk JEC had received a letter about motor cycles on the Coles Road car park. Complaints had also been received about cars "racing" around the car park late at night. It was suggested that a gate/barrier could be erected. For MCC to discuss? 298/03 10 Accounts: - Internal Audit - report received and circulated. All procedures were satisfactory. - ills for Payment and Money Received - noted that a minibus account had been set up. Bob Pain treasurer was dealing with the day to day administration. Cheques drawn on this account were listed in the Bills for Payment schedule. The clerk had transferred £200 into this account. CONFIRMED payment of cheques 2575 to 2579 AGREED payment of cheques 2580 to 2595 299/03 11 County Councillor's report A complaint had been received about cars parked at the bend in Coles Road near Thurlton and Norton Courts. Action: Highways Committee to discuss Committee members were being invited to inspect the manufacture of the cycle bridge on 21 July. Police report received. 300/03 12 District Councillor's report The Lion & Lamb public entertainments licence was now in place - same conditions as for other public houses viz 2 events per month Saturdays and Sundays only. Household Recycling Centre - the City and County Councils were planning to allow 2 hectares (5 acres) of land at the sewage works for a materials recycling facility. SCDC officers were asking for more information from the County. Wheelie Bins - collections to be on Tuesdays as from 5 August - wheelie bins from 2 December. Community Safety Competition - details received. 301/03 13 Correspondence SLCC (Society of Local Council Clerks) - Annual Conference and Regional one-day conferences on quality councils NALC - Annual Conference I&DeA (Improvement and Development Agency) - Guide for new members County Council - Changes to local bus services Environment Agency - Flood Action Newsletter Issue 1 CALC - Bulletin & Members' allowances Fire & Rescue Service - Corporate Performance Plan 2003/04 Care Network - Community Care newsletters South Cambs NHS Primary Care Trust - Bulletin and Newsletter Standards Board for England - Revised booklet re interests 14 Dates of Next Meetings Play 14 July Planning 21 July Finance 21 July Council 1 September Maintenance tba The meeting ended at 8.57pm.